Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki
A relentless attacking unit with no regard for self or allies in battle.

—In-Game Description

Annihilator (死行人, Shikōjin) is a job found in Mary Skelter: Finale and is part of the Executioner-Style jobs. It can only be used by Pyre.


  • Active Skills
    • Dead Poison Thrust: Heavy damage to one enemy, chance of Heavy Poison.
    • Charge: ATK increases in next Turn.
    • Execution: Heavy damage to enemy with chance of Death.
    • Thrust Slash: Heavy damage to an enemy line.
    • Wild Charge: Lower hit rate, higher Critical rate and effect.
  • Passive Skills
    • Annihilator's Skill: 100% chance of surviving an attack when HP is at 1% or above.
    • ATK Up: Increase ATK.
    • Critical Output Up: Slightly increase Critical damage dealt.
    • Ailment Awakening: ATK increases when afflicted with an ailment.


Blood Crystal[]

  • BRh-: 15
  • ABRh-: 15

