Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki
Ms city streets thumbnail

Banner of the City Streets

The City Streets (元街道沿い, Motokaidōzoi) is a dungeon found in Mary Skelter: Nightmares and Mary Skelter 2. It is both the Prologue and Chapter 1 dungeon for Nightmares and the Prologue and Chapter 9 dungeon for the second game. It is where the Blood Youth Jack and Blood Maiden Alice are found, with the entire dungeon being themed around the latter.

Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]


City Streets

The background art of the City Streets

The City Streets area is a dark, slightly dreary place. The area is lit only by lanterns shining into a dark-grey sky and onto a dark-green checkerboard-patterned floor. The floor is littered with dice, candles, cushy loungers, and chess pieces that wiggle on their own every so often. The walls are a mess of prison bars and books. Some of the walls and even the floor are decorated with clocks that rapidly spin their hands.
Of particular note is the playing card motif, with symbols of the four suites appearing on the floor and walls as decoration. The music, titled "Labyrinth" in the Music section, is whimsical in tone, but its tempo only adds to the eeriness of the area. The cheeriness of it is almost like a mockery of the prisoners in the area.




Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 3


Floor 4

Floor 5

Maps (Remake Version)[]

Maps (Original Version)[]

Blood Crystal Farming Tips[]


Farming zones Floor 2

In the Original version of the game, the City Streets area is quite useful for gathering all the different types of blood crystals early. This allows you to switch to more "expensive" jobs, as long as you have the job rights for it.
You are able to obtain the regular crystals and also the Rh+ and Rh- versions from the same type of enemy.

Mary Skelter 2[]


Compared to Nightmares, the City Streets this time are a lot more vibrant. The walls are lit with a golden glow, and the sky is more of a rusty red and brown compared to the grey before. The music's tempo has been increased, amplifying the whimsy factor and adding in vocals in the form of an incoherent choir, occasionally interspersed by a little girl's giggle and a cat's meow. The track is titled "Labyrinth -spectacle ver.-" and is track two in the music section.




Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 3

Floor 4


Floor 5

Floor 6



  • The City Streets area draws heavily from Alice in Wonderland, from its motifs with dice, chess, and trumps to the music that evokes a sense of eerie yet entrancing whimsy.

See also[]
