Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki
Ms downtown thumbnail

Banner of the Downtown

Downtown (元繁華街, Motohankagai) is a dungeon that appears in Mary Skelter: Nightmares and Mary Skelter 2. It appears in either Chapter 3 or 4 depending on your choice in Nightmares and Chapter 7 in the second game. It is the signature dungeon for the Blood Maiden Cinderella, who is introduced to the party during the dungeon's chapter.

Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]


This area has many environmental traps; spikes, electricity and broken floorboards that you'll fall through, unless you use Cinderella's special ability. There are also several parts of the map that acts as big pits that you need to hop over, using the springs scattered around. In combination with the narrow alleyways, there are many doors that feature encounters behind them and this can spell doom for an unprepared player.



Maps (Remake Version)[]

Maps (Original Version)[]

Mary Skelter 2[]


Downtown has the largest maps in the game. It is filled with neon signs of yellow, green, and red, reminiscent of a bustling city. The streets are paved with golden yellow bricks. Many of the signs feature shoes and there are pumpkin-shaped neon decorations strewn about, harking back to Cinderella's tale. The area is littered with garbage and seems grimy. The music features a ticking sound, once again a reference to Cinderella.

The dungeon is filled with dead ends and keys. The player must find five gems throughout the first three floors to open a door on the fourth floor. Thumbelina's Blood Ability will be needed to shrink some of the gems. Overall, there are no recurring traps or Blood Abilities needed to be used, but it is likely that all of them will be used throughout the journey.


D. Nightmare

Area 1[]

Area 2[]

Area 3[]

Area 4[]


See also[]
