“ | A brute that prioritizes pain over efficiency. Not for the squeamish. | ” |
—In-Game Description |
Executioner (処刑人, Shokei Hito) is a job found in Mary Skelter: Finale and is part of the Executioner-Style jobs. It is the default class for Pyre.
- Active Skills
- Edict: Minor Air damage to one enemy.
- Flame Lore: Fire damage to one enemy.
- Rock Lore: Earth damage to one enemy.
- Water Law: Water damage to one enemy.
- EX Heal: Restore a fair amount of the target's HP.
- EX Healia: [Chant] Heal party's HP.
- EX Poison: [Chant] High chance of Poison to all enemies.
- EX Sleep: [Chant] High chance of Sleep to all enemies.
- Mortal Force: [Chant] Massive elemental damage to all enemies.
- Passive Skills
- Executioner's Skill: Chance to counterattack when damaged by magic.
- Sleep Counter: Chance of countering with Sleep.