Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki

Gallows is a member of the Executioner Girls; Massacre Pink.


As with the rest of her team, she has an execution theme, with hers being her namesake, the gallows.

While she may seem to act better than the other members at first glance, she is just as cruel as the others. She constantly looks down on others and uses incorrect or bad logic to manipulate others. She also has a habit of wanting other people's possessions, and subsequently losing interest and throwing it away.


Mary Skelter: Finale Prologue[]

After someone found and raised Guillotine, they aspired to find more like her. However, they came up empty handed, so they resorted to experimentation to make more. After finding a pregnant woman, they injected her with the parasite in the hopes of creating more Masacre Pink. The experiment was a success with both Iron Maiden and Gallows being a result of it. Despite its high success rate, the low population meant that pregnant women were hard to find, and each took two years to gestate, making the method difficult and time consuming.

With this in mind, he ordered the three Executioner Girls to spare small children and bring them to him in the hopes that he could inject one of them with the parasites to create the fourth Executioner Girl, namely Pyre.

Mary Skelter: Finale[]

A member of Massacre Pink who works to undo the heroes' progress with smug glee. While she does not seem as outwardly mad as her sisters, she is cunning and two-faced, believing that nearly everyone has something worth taking.

—In-Game Profile

Gallows, along with the rest of Massacre Pink, doing her usual thing of offering a trade; the life of her would-be victim in exchange for their most treasured belonging, be it an accessory, a piece of clothing, or even another person. Though given her twisted personality, she'll either take it from their cooling corpse, or take it and kill them anyway.

When Gallows sets her sights on Haru, Clara jumps in and takes the hit. Hung by Gallows' signature hanging pole, Clara is sliced and nearly disemboweled before she's narrowly saved by Pyre's hesitance to kill even a half-dead human, and the timely intervention of the Blood Maidens.



  • She has the kanji 絞 (Shibo) meaning "To twist or to wring" on her jacket and the roman numeral III on her collar.
  • She is named after the gallows, a structure, typically of two uprights and a crosspiece, for the hanging of criminals.
  • She shares her Japanese voice actress with Thumbelina.