Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki
Ms graveyard thumbnail

Banner of the Graveyard

The Graveyard (元墓所, Motobosho) is a dungeon that appears in both Mary Skelter: Nightmares and Mary Skelter 2. It appears in Chapter 2 of Nightmares and Chapter 10 in the second game. It is the dungeon that introduces the Blood Maidens Thumbelina, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty, with the first having been kidnapped by the G. Nightmare in Nightmares. In the second game, it serves as a transitional dungeon as the group makes their way to the Tower Base.

Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]


The games difficulty ramps up significantly once you reach this area, especially on higher difficulties. This has given many beginner players difficulties, but it shouldn't be too bad with slight leveling up and proper care for the party.

The area introduces Sleeping Beauty's and Snow White's abilities; poison bomb and rose arrow, which are used to blow up brittle walls, shoot targets and also setting candles alight with the rose arrows going through targets that redirect its direction; setting up what will become a reoccuring puzzle in future areas.



Maps (Remake Version)[]

Maps (Original Version)[]

Mary Skelter 2[]


G. Nightmare

Vandal Sister

Area 1[]

Area 2[]

Area 3[]

Area 4[]

Area 5[]

Area 6[]


See also[]
