“ | A craftsman with a bad mouth and a worse attitude, though he seems to care for Jack, who often questions his own usefulness. | ” |
—In-Game Profile |
Haru is a member of the Dawn, and leads their R&D and weapons manufacturing in the Liberated District.
Haru is a man of tan skin, dark grey hair, and one black eye, with his right eye either missing or damaged underneath an eyepatch. While his age is unknown, comments from Clara, how long he has worked with the Professor, and general appearance suggest he is around middle-aged.
His outfit is disheveled, demonstrating a lax attitude when it comes to how he looks. He wears a long black coat with rolled-up sleeves and gold buttons, an untucked white button-up, and black pants. The standard red tie hangs loosely around his neck, his tool belt is lop-sided around his waist, and he wears flip-flops. He always has a lit cigarette in his mouth.
At first glance, Haru appears to be a gruff and curt individual, speaking bluntly to whoever he talks to. As revealed through his interactions with Clara and Jack, he cares a lot about the people around him, more than willing to go out of his way to help the latter achieve his goals. While he is generally not embarrassed to show this more caring aspect of himself, he quickly becomes so when someone points it out to him.
This kind nature of his is put into more context after the reveal of his origin at the end of Mary Skelter: Nightmares, which showcases his distaste for unnecessary violence and dishonesty.
Plot Role[]
Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]
Before the events of the story, Haru discovered an orphaned Clara attempting to steal from him. Despite never succeeding in her endeavors, Haru took her in as his apprentice.
After Alice and Jack join the Dawn, Haru dissuades Jack from trying to enter the battlefield by showing how his blood removes Corruption, which is a problem since Blood Weapons are made from Marchen parts and therefore have Corruption in them. Later on, he constructs the Mary Gun with the help of Miko, allowing Jack to support the Blood Maidens in battle.
During the Final Chapter of the story, the party needs to figure out the true identity of Snark. Assuming that the Good/True Ending is the goal, the party will question the Professor, who seems to always have an answer to their accusations until Haru steps in to reveal the Professor as Snark. He explains that he and Snark are the last remaining remnants of an alien race who brought the Jail to Earth in order to recreate their home. As they continued to live on Earth, Snark relentlessly continued to reach that goal, while Haru began to become more sympathetic to the people, to the point where he would get in the way of the Professor's research into the Blood Maidens if he felt it was going too far. His goal as of this point in the story is to coexist with the people, telling Snark that he needs to do the same, but Snark refuses and instead ascends the tower.
Mary Skelter 2[]
Early on in the story, the Liberated District is attacked by the Mysterious Nightmare. Haru is an unfortunate casualty, his eye-gouged corpse discovered by the party.
Mary Skelter: Finale[]
“ | A brusque gentleman who doesn't care to mince words, Haru served as the Dawn's Blood Weapons specialist. Despite being a skilled artisan and blacksmith in his own right, Haru is one of the few weapons masters capable of developing equipment for Blood Maidens. Clara is his apprentice, and he cares about her more than he lets on. | ” |
—In-Game Profile |
After the attack of Massacre Pink, Haru joins Toh's group along with Snow White, Kaguya, Jabberwock, and Towa.
- Haru's name in kanji can be written in several different ways (春, 陽, or 晴), but they all generally refer to springtime and sunlight.
- This may refer to Haru's often buried hopeful attitude towards the future and his hope for coexistence between Snark and him with the humans.
- Both Snark's human form and Haru have a right eye that is either damaged or missing in some way, suggesting their shared past as harbingers of the Jail. Jabberwock's right eye is also missing.