Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki

Iron Maiden is a member of the Executioner Girls; Massacre Pink.


As with the rest of her team, she has an execution theme, with hers being her namesake, the iron maiden.

She admires beauty but loves destroying it just as much. She is spontaneous and often acts without thinking; thus, the cruelty she commits is far more noticeable and violent than the others.


Mary Skelter: Finale Short Story[]

After someone found and raised Guillotine, they aspired to find more like her. However, they came up empty handed, so they resorted to experimentation to make more. After finding a pregnant woman, they injected her with the parasite in the hopes of creating more Genocide Pink. The experiment was a success with both Iron Maiden and Gallows being a result of it. Despite its high success rate, the low population meant that pregnant women were hard to find, and each took two years to gestate, making the method difficult and time consuming.

With this in mind, he ordered the three Executioner Girls to spare small children and bring them to him in the hopes that he could inject one of them with the parasites to create the fourth Executioner Girl.

Mary Skelter: Finale[]

A member of Massacre Pink who is obsessed with beauty and the honor of desecrating it herself. Her affinity for the ephemeral makes her spontaneous, particularly when it comes to finding new victims. Even among her sisters, her cruelty is unmatched.

—In-Game Profile



  • She has the iron kanji 鉄 (Tetsu) on her dress underneath her hand and the roman numeral II on her dress and twice on her weapon.
  • She is named after the iron maiden, an instrument of torture consisting of a coffin-shaped box lined with iron spikes.
  • Iron Maiden shares her Japanese voice actress with Snow White.