Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki

Banner of the Judgment Tower

The Judgment Tower[]

is the first area that Jack's team wakes up in, after their escape from Massacre Pink.

It has rooms filled with gold and treasures. The overall aesthetic of the area is exotic and holds an egyptian feel to it, with the sand, the music and the libra that the nightmare holds. The imagery of bulls in the dungeons icon and the enemies that spawn there could be a reference to the brazen bull torture device, leading to further judgement over people's lives and worth.



You will need to use Mary's ability to get past different hazards that either damage you, alert marchens or open doors for you. Generally speaking, Green and blue lazers are harmless and probebly help you, if you use them correctly. The rest should be avoided.

Also, every enemy here (except Crucia and Ryushion) are weak to Air damage, so use Little Mermaid's Chill Wind skill to get through it easily. Avoid using Water based attacks, since those enemies are resistent to it.




Floor 1[]

Floor 2[]

Floor 3[]

Bugged Marchen[]

There is one extra slot in the Jail Creature Manual/Monster List, that is unobtainable. This disappears, however, once you find marchens from later areas, most like the Black Dragon in Salvation Tower.


Judgment Tower uses the same background as City Streets, however it is not visible during normal gameplay.

See also[]
