The Love Nightmare is the final boss of the True Ending to Mary Skelter 2.

The Love Nightmare is massive, seemingly larger than most other Nightmares. It is a large pink flower with two veiny arms coming out of the center, pinkies interlocked. The arms are surrounded by bright flowers, with a pistil and stamen between them, the female and male parts of a flower, respectively.

After a certain amount of damage, the arms will break off, revealing a still humanoid Jack and Alice chained together at the arms and neck. Their lower bodies are merged together at the pistil. During some attacks, their bodies will swing around until one of their bodies face the party. When damaged or attacking, the Nightmare's scream is a mixture of Jack and Alice's.
The Love Nightmare only appears in the True Ending of the game. After the Mysterious Nightmare is revealed to be the true Alice, it begins to merge itself with the core of the Jail Tower. Nightmare Jack, torn between wanting to protect Alice and the party, runs to the Mysterious Nightmare, becoming both the Love Nightmare and a copy of the original Jack to fulfill both wishes.
Its defeat also causes the destruction of the core which had been keeping the Jack copy alive. The fight drains the entire party, leaving them vulnerable to the Upper Tower Nightmare, who slaughters everyone except Jack, who dies because of the destruction of the core, Otsuu, and Little Mermaid.
- The Love Nightmare is a formidable foe. Even those who had little trouble with the enemies previously can have a difficult time against it, so grinding a few levels beforehand can be beneficial.
- It also inflicts many different status conditions, so having Gretel and/or Snow White with the Item command, a Therapist or a character with Therapist skills, or Alice (her Blood Soul Skill removes all status effects from all party members) is a must.
- Using a Kagome-Kagome Effect to turn the Love Nightmare around is also a good way to reliably distract it and get in some extra turns. Sleeping Beauty and Kaguya are great at doing this due to their high AGI and their many passive skills that allow them to hit multiple times.