As Mamoru is not a Blood Maiden, his events won't appear in the Heroine's Memories menu and don't have an official name.
Mary Skelter 2[]
Event 1[]
- Hikari: Mamoru! There you go again! What were you going to do if something happened?!
- Mamoru: My job is to find out what's happening, you know? C'mon, cut me some slack, will you? All is well that ends well.
- Hikari: Oh no you don't! You shouldn't be stepping outside by yourself! It's dangerous!
(Enter Otsuu and Little Mermaid)
- Otsuu: Isn't that... Mamoru and Hikari? They look like they're arguing...
- Little Mermaid: I'm not sure what they're arguing about, but we should stop them!
- Otsuu: Ah, Princess...!
- Little Mermaid: I don't know what's going on, but please stop fighting!
- Mamoru: Huh? Fighting?
- Hikari: Are you referring to us?
- Little Mermaid: Huh? Huh?!
- Otsuu: You two weren't fighting?
- Hikari: Huh? What made you think that?!
- Little Mermaid: But, you two were arguing...
- Mamoru: Arguing, yeah... But not fighting.
- Little Mermaid: Um, did I jump the gun?
- Hikari: Sorry. It looks like we scared you there. But don't worry. We're always like this.
- Otsuu: I guess it just means you two know each other too well... So, how long have you known each other?
- Mamoru: How long? I dunno... It's been ever since we were little.
- Hikari: Yeah... By the time we knew it, we were hanging around each other.
- Mamoru: We used to live close by, too.
- Hikari: We lived our lives together ever since our parents were abducted by the Marchens.
- Little Mermaid: Oh...
- Hikari: Uh, but I didn't have much trouble living since Mamoru was in charge of the food. He's got a knack for finding food, for better and for worse...
- Otsuu: What do you mean by that?
- Hikari: Uh... Sometimes he'd steal veggies from someone's crop...
- Mamoru: H-Hey! Only sometimes! I paid back my dues then with hard labor!
- Otsuu: Unbelievable... I guess you haven't changed much since you were a kid.
- Mamoru: Shut it...
- Hikari: That said, I was only able to survive because Mamoru made sure there was food on the table. To add, I ate the food he took, so that makes me his cohort in crime.
- Mamoru: Hikari's a weird one... She's gullible, and cries a lot. That's why I have to stay next to her, so that I can protect her from her own actions.
- Hikari: Mamoru...
- Little Mermaid: I see why you two get along so well now.
- Otsuu: That would mean Hikari is Mamoru's princess.
- Mamoru: H-Hell no! She's no princess, that's for sure. Back when we were kids, we took a bath together and she...
- Hikari: H-Hey! What in the world are you saying! Stop it, dummy!
- Mamoru: Ouch! What the hell is that for?!
- Hikari: You should really listen to what you're saying! You dummy!
- Mamoru: H-Hey! Stop! Ouch! Now put that down...! I'm gonna die!
- Hikari: Shut up!
- Mamoru: I thought you appreciated me being around?!
- Hikari: That doesn't mean you can blab about out past like that!
- Little Mermaid: They really do go well together.
- Otsuu: They may fight a lot, but I guess that proves they're that close to each other.