Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki

A young man found at the underground caverns. He doesn't look approachable, but is actually very kind and surprisingly responsible. He accompanies Otsuu and Little Mermaid, helping them through the ordeal.

—In-Game Profile

Mamoru is a supporting character from Mary Skelter: Nightmares, where he serves as a protagonist to the in-game novel story and the side novel, Hikari no Arika.

In Mary Skelter 2, he serves a much more prominent role as a plot-relevant NPC and the one to give out Work Orders similar to Sukui of the Liberated District.


Mamoru has wild, dark blue hair and matching eyes. He often wears a somewhat unfriendly expression, which cause many to avoid him. He has an overall muscular build, which suits his role as the protector of the group.

Like with the other human prisoners (except Jack and Alice), he has a black-and-white striped shirt that bears some wear. In addition, he wears black pants, white running shoes, and a red belt with chains attached to it. His studded gloves act as impromptu weapons if he finds himself in sudden danger.

In Mary Skelter: Finale, his death scar becomes apparent, and appears around his neck, alluding that Mamoru was killed by being beheaded.


Mamoru is a brash and stubborn individual, running headlong into whatever he feels is right. He has a self-serving sense of morality, as shown by his justification for thievery, but is quick to form bonds with others. Despite this seemingly selfish demeanor, he is often the first to jump in to sacrifice himself when something threatens the group, especially when it comes to Hikari, a long-time friend of his. He is also shown to be very caring, as he and Hikari bury some of Hameln's familiars after they die, despite them being Marchens.


Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]

In Nightmares, Mamoru serves as the nameless prison neighbor to Jack and Alice, though he does get named and elaborated upon in the in-game novel as he works with his friend Hikari and a few others to survive and hopefully escape from the Jail.

Chapter 8[]

Mamoru's corpse is amongst the many the Tower Base Nightmare leaves in its wake. The Blood Team buries him among the dead beneath the sakura tree, along with the equipment of the old Dawn members. The Jail's mimicry absorbs them both, causing Mamoru to reincarnate with the memories of the Leader. His group cooperates with the Blood Team in ascending the Tower, though they're nowhere to be found after the Blood Team reaches the top.

Final Chapter[]

Mamoru assists the other group as they ascend, helping them solve puzzles with the help of Hikari and the person who reincarnated with the actual Professor's memories, who is later revealed to be Itsuki. During the ascent, Mamoru asks about the fate of the Tower Base Nightmare. Jack explains that they destroyed its core and then killed it. Hearing the revelation about the core, Mamoru's identity seems to which over to the Leader, who laments their ignorance on how to defeat Nightmares. Jack reassures him that there was no way they could've known before asking the Leader if it was Snark who had killed the group. The Leader reacts with confusion, having never heard of Snark, and answers that it was the Tower Base Nightmare that had killed both the original group and the new reincarnated humans. This only raises more suspicion.

Good Ending Epilogue[]

Mamoru does not appear in this ending. Hikari reluctantly explained that she had put Mamoru and the rest of the humans in a secure place beforehand, but does not go into details as to why this is the case. The Dawn and Blood Maidens are transported to the surface without him.

True Ending Epilogue[]

With the newly resurrected Little Mermaid and transformed Otsuu, Mamoru, Itsuki, Kaede, and Takumi appear in the epilogue. They chat with the two and discuss how it feels like they are talking to old friends, despite not having the memories from the previous timeline. Before they are transported with the others to the surface, Mamoru and Itsuki explain that living on the surface for the resurrected humans will be difficult, as they are now Marchen-like and need to be near a core to survive. This makes the group uneasy, but Otsuu and Little Mermaid assuage those doubts and convinces the group to come with them to the surface, and they are transported with everyone else.

Mary Skelter 2[]


Mamoru, Hikari, Jack, and Alice are all freed by Otsuu, Red Riding Hood, and Little Mermaid, who were sent by Dawn to free them from the Jail. Unfortunately, they're separated when mist rolls in, the warning sign of a nearby Nightmare. They are separated from the main group for a short while.

Chapter 1[]

As Otsuu, Little Mermaid, and Nightmare Jack wander through the Underground Cavern, they stumble into Mamoru, Hikari, Itsuki, Takumi, and Kaede, who had fallen into the same hole left by a Blood Skelter Alice. They take the group of humans along with them before encountering Hameln, who asks them to play a gruesome version of tag that involved murdering the person being tagged. The group continually runs away from Hameln before Mamoru decides to try to sacrifice himself to save the group before being stopped by Hikari, Otsuu, and Little Mermaid, after which they recruit Hameln into the group.

Once the New Liberated District is established, Mamoru laments his lack of useful abilities for the group and decides that guarding the safe haven is the best course of action, to which the group agrees. He also maintains the Work Orders that the group receives.

Chapter 6[]

After the Blood Maidens defeat the O. Nightmare in the Art Alley, the scene switches to Mamoru guarding the entrance to the New Liberated District. Hikari joins him and they chat for a bit before out of Hameln's familiars comes back heavily damages. The Mysterious Nightmare approaches soon after, intent on attacking the New Liberated District. Mamoru insists that Hikari run back to warn the others, telling her that he'll buy her some time, the Mysterious Nightmare injuring him soon after she leaves. While he's wondering how long he'll last, Hansel joins him at the entrance to defend it as well.

At this point in the story, the player can briefly control both Mamoru and Hansel in battle, but because he is a human, Mamoru does not have any unique abilities and is relatively weak.

After the battle and Hansel's death, Mamoru asks Otsuu if she can tell the others what had happened at the entrance, to which she obliges.

Mary Skelter: Finale[]

A young man who was raised in the underground Jail, and lived in a cell adjacent to Jack and Alice. His courageous, macho attitude is welcome among the group, oftentimes providing a source of motivation in perilous times, He works at the campground base, assisting the Blood Maidens with tasks and protecting camp while they explore. He and Hikari are childhood friends, which means they can fight or bicker with the best of them, but always together.

—In-Game Profile

After the attack from Massacre Pink, Mamoru manages to join Jack's group along with Otsuu, Little Mermaid, Miko, Hikari, and Michiru.

Love Prison Tower Mary Skelter: True End[]

Whilst farming together, Mamoru suddenly proposes to Hikari as he couldn't bear another day without her by his side. Hikari is shocked since they weren't dating though ends up accepting anyway. Mamoru then sets up the wedding immediately and asks Jack to officiate. As he had had no time to invite anyone with such little notice, he only ends up inviting Kaede, Itsuki, and Takumi. Kaede ran into Otsuu, Little Mermaid, and Hameln on the way, and brings them with her. Kaede and Itsuki revealed they too had gotten engaged, and decide to turn it into a double wedding. This gives Jack the courage to confess to the girl he has feelings for, which eventually leads to Jack getting married as well.


See main article: Mamoru/Events.



  • Mamoru shares his English voice actor, Sean Chiplock, with Chiaki.
  • The kanji and hiragana for Mamoru (守る) literally translate to the verb "to protect."
    • This is a clear reference to his relationship to Hikari and his protective nature during Mary Skelter 2, most notably against Hameln and the Mysterious Nightmare.
  • Mamoru is illiterate.