Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki

The Mary Gun is a utility/weapon used by Blood Youths. Originally developed by Haru with the help of Miko in Nightmares and Takumi with the help of Itsuki in Mary Skelter 2, the Mary Gun is a utility first developed to help Jack (or his Nightmare variant) to more safely purge Corruption build-up from Blood Maidens without him having to cut or seriously injure himself. Jack, Toh and Clara are the only users of mary guns, Clara's looking distincly different.


The cuff around the wrist takes the blood from the wearer and transfers it to the more gun-like portion of the Mary Gun, where it can then be fired. The cuff utilizes Magnolia Leaves and its extract, which catalyzes the healing process, to stop major bleeding when using the Mary Gun.


In Nightmares, the Mary Gun has three major upgrades that can be found in chests while exploring.

In the Remake of Nightmares, they can be found at Downtown 4th Floor X:024 Y:014, Dorm 2nd Floor X:016 Y:007 and Waterside 4th Floor X:023 Y:006.
In the Original version they can be found at Downtown 4th Floor X:006 Y:037, Dorm 2nd Floor X:031 Y:007 and Station Grounds 1st Floor X:014 Y:033.

They can be found in any order. Each will provide a benefit, but once all of the upgrades are obtained and taken to Haru, you will receive the Mary Reverser, a Blood Ability that will shoot the party backward five spaces and a necessary component to find Hameln and achieving the Good/True Ending.


Mary Skelter: Nightmares (Both versions)[]

  • Purge: Fully remove a Blood Maiden's Corruption.
  • Recover: Recover a (%) of the Blood Maiden's SP.
  • Strengthen: Enchant Blood Maiden with two random buffs.
  • Rapturize: Recover a (%) of Blood Maidens' Corruption/SP.
  • Life Purge: Undo Blood Maiden's Blood Skelter state.

Mary Skelter 2[]

  • Purge (One): Fully remove a Blood Maiden's Corruption.
  • Purge (All): Fully remove Blood Maidens' Corruption.
  • Life Purge: Undo Blood Maiden's Blood Skelter state.

They can also be used outside of battle to shoot blood at candles, to extinguish them. This can also be done using the Mary Reverser, only that you will be shot backwards, of course. This is actually favorable, due to the Reverser using way less blood, for each shot (useful in the Underground Cavern, where you want to keep Jack's blood supply as full as possible, for battles and crossing gaps with the reverser.).



  • Despite the liquid in the Mary Gun appearing pink, similarly to Marchen blood, it will come out as red whenever it is shot, or used on a Blood Maiden.