Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki

A religious leader of the Order who speaks with a shroud of mystery. Her confusing words possess an odd sort of divinity.

—In-Game Profile

Michiru, known as "Lady Oohime" to her followers, is the head of the Order of the Sun.




Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]

Mary Skelter 2[]

Mary Skelter: Finale[]

Michiru, known to her followers as Lady Oohime, is a mysterious priestess who leads the Order of the Sun, a religious cult which worships the sun, viewing it as a symbol of liberation from the Jail. Her awe-inspiring presence seems to make up for her cryptic way of speaking, but she wields her influence for the good of her people.

—In-Game Profile

Michiru's attitude is more light-hearted since coming to the surface, but she still speaks enigmatically and confuses others frequently. She joins Jack, Otsuu, Little Mermaid, and Miko.



  • While not a Blood Maiden, she heavily references The Blue Bird. The name of the play's heroine, Mytyl, is rendered as "Michiru" in Japanese, and her brother, Chiaki, is a reference to the tale's hero Tyltyl. Additionally, "Mytyl" is occasionally used (presumably by mistake) in the English Vita version of Mary Skelter: Nightmares.
  • She shares her English voice actor, Kimberly Woods, with Hikari.