Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki

Pyre is a member of Massacre Pink and one of the six main protagonists of Mary Skelter: Finale.


As with the rest of the executioner girls, she has an execution theme, with hers being burned at the stake.

She is the youngest sister of Massacre Pink and shows hesitation when killing people, to the ridicule of her sisters. Her adventure starts when she finds a knocked-out Rapunzel, where they and Sleeping Beauty team up and eventually join up with the rest of Clara's team.


Known to some as "Pi," she is the youngest member of Massacre Pink, a murderous girl gang that rules the surface. She is petulant and inexperienced, leading her to overcompensate with a bratty attitude when frustrated. In truth, she has no taste for murder, and feels sympathy for those affected by Massacre Pink's violent rampages, much to the chagrin of her sisters.

—In-Game Profile

It is revealed that her real name is Rachel and that the girl they find in Eiserne Tower is an impostor, revealed to be Gallows in disguise. She was kidnapped from her two step-sisters, Riley and Ellie, when they were all very young and she was experimented on by Yuto Gato, proving to be the first successful post-birth blood maiden/massacre pink.

Powers and Abilities[]

Gore Blood[]

In the absence of a Blood Youth, Pyre can use the anti-Corruption functions of her Gore Suit to reduce the Corruption of Blood Maidens

Personal Skills[]

Blood Ability Genofire

  • Genofire: Emit a powerful flame to melt ice and light candles.

Character Skill

  • Passion: When Pyre's HP is critically low, her whole party's ATK increases.

Blood Soul Skill

  • B.S.Punisher: Revives whole part.

Partner Skill

  • WIP

Massacre Skills

  • Mass.Flame Pillar: Minor Fire damage to all enemies.
  • Mass.Swipe: Damage to one enemy.
  • Mass.Spirit Bomb: Use SP to inflict heavy damage on all enemies.
  • Mass.Recovery: Recover all ailments.
  • Mass.Fire Guard: Temporarily reduces Fire-based damage.


Pyre has access to a unique set of jobs called Executioner-Style (処刑人系, Shokeihitokei). Her default job shares the same name. All names are roughly translated and do not reflect what the names will be in the English release of the game.


Mary Skelter Finale[]


  • Broken Comb
  • Fluffy blanket
  • Grown Up Book
  • Mini Mascot
  • Sister Guide
  • Prison Set (Furniture)


  • Broken Pot
  • Broken Watch
  • Cracked Tank
  • Dirty Test Tube
  • Dusty Doll
  • Fake Hero's Sword
  • Old Lip Balm
  • Rusted Weights
  • Suspicious Meds
  • Thorny Necklace
  • Toy Sword
  • Cute Set (Furniture)


Mary Skelter: Finale[]

Pyre Events
Name Chapter & Location Acquired Massacre Skills
033 Official Introduction Hall after Chapter 2 Mass.Spirit Bomb


See main article: Pyre/Events.


See main article: Pyre/Gallery.


  • Her name means "fire pillar."
  • She has the fire kanji 火 (Huǒ) on both her knees and the roman numeral IV on her collar.
  • Pyre is named after hiaburibashira (roughly translates to "Burning to death at the pillar") in the Japanese dub, which is an execution method involving combustion or exposure to extreme heat. It has a long history as a form of capital punishment, and many societies have employed it for criminal activities such as treason, heresy and witchcraft. The best-known execution of this type is burning at the stake, where the condemned is bound to a large wooden stake and a fire lit beneath them.
  • The Japanese version of her name is Shira.