Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]
(Red Riding Room's Room)
- Jack: Um, uh... I'm coming in, Red Riding Hood.
- Red Riding Hood: Hey, you sound pretty tense. Come right in!
- Jack: (L-Look at all those training tools...)
- Red Riding Hood: So, Jack, feeling better?
- Jack: I think so... I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble...
- Red Riding Hood: Seriously... That's quite a thing Haru made for you.
- Jack: Oh, um... Well, I asked him to make a weapon for me, and he ended up making me theMary Gun.
- Red Riding Hood: Why don't you have a seat? You need to take things a bit easier. Here, sit next to me.
- Jack: Okay... (Red Riding Hood's bed smells like her...)
- Red Riding Hood: I gotta hand it to you for using that thing without a second thought. Once a Blood Maiden entersBlood Skelter, they can never return. There's no way to stop it... That's why we fought with the fear of Blood Skelter looming over us...
- Jack: Red Riding Hood...
- Red Riding Hood: We kept retreating, thinking there was no way to beat a Nightmare, which is why we're all still here. Though... Now that you're with us, I really think we've got a shot at getting out of here!
- Jack: Uh...! I didn't...
- Red Riding Hood: The resolve you showed makes me wanna respond in kind! We're all gonna get out of here!
- Jack: I've constantly been protected by Alice, and I hated myself, watching her get hurt each time... And even after I came here, you protected me while I did nothing... I was so pathetic!
- Red Riding Hood: I didn't know you felt that way, Jack...
- Jack: That's why I'm happy I'm finally able to do something for everyone! Of course, I did get dizzy and knock myself out...
- Red Riding Hood: Hahaha! Gotcha! Don't worry, you're one of us now. So, again... Welcome to the Dawn!
- Jack: Uh, yes! Thank you, Red Riding Hood. (For someone who uses a weapon like that, her hand is so soft...)
- Red Riding Hood: Heh, heh...
- Jack: Haha...
- Red Riding Hood: All right, then!
- Jack: Hm?
- Red Riding Hood: Let's get some runs in! You'll need to train yourself up if you're gonna be our blood bank!
- Jack: Wha-?!
(Black Screen)
- Red Riding Hood: C'mon! Get up! Hurry!
- Jack: W-Wait... I don't think I can follow through today...
Blood Libido 1[]
- Red Riding Hood: All right! Let's get this expedition over with!
- Alice: Yes. The mission today isn't very hard, is it?
- Red Riding Hood: Supposedly... But, we better not let our guard down!
- Snow White: That's true!
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Yup...
- Thumbelina: Well, not like I'd miss anything.
- Red Riding Hood: Heh, heh! That's what it means to lower your guard!
- Jack: (Red Riding Hood is really reliable. I need to make sure I don't hold anyone back!)
(Scene Transition)
- Red Riding Hood: The place is a bit rugged, so be careful not to trip! Especially you, Jack.
- Jack: Urrh... She must think I'm the clumsiest in the group...
- Red Riding Hood: Whoa!
- Jack: (Red Riding Hood's hood is caught on the wall...)
- Red Riding Hood: Shoot... I can't get my hood off...
- Jack: Just a second...
- Jack: There... It's off.
- Red Riding Hood: Th-Thanks...
- Jack: (Huh? What's with her reaction?)
- Red Riding Hood: Is it frayed...? I hope it didn't get torn...
- Jack: It looks fine. Here, try it on.
- Red Riding Hood: Y-Yup...
(Puts hood back on)
- Jack: Thank goodness you weren't hurt.
- Red Riding Hood: Um... You sure it isn't frayed in the back? It's not dirty, is it?
- Jack: Uh... It looks okay...
- Alice: It's fine. Even if it's torn or frayed, you can get it fixed once we return.
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Yup...
- Red Riding Hood: That's not the point...
- Jack: (With how Red Riding Hood is, I'm surprised she's grumbling over her hood like that...) That hood of yours must be something special.
- Red Riding Hood: ... It's just that I don't feel very good without it on me...
- Thumbelina: Sister Red can't seem to get in the right mood without something over her head.
- Alice: I see... I suppose everyone has a thing or two like that. I'm sorry.
- Red Riding Hood: Don't worry! That was my fault, anyway! I'm just getting myself worked up, that's all! Sorry to keep you all waiting like this! Now then, let's go!
- Thumbelina: Let's get going.
- Jack: (Looks like Red Riding Hood is back to her normal self.)
- Red Riding Hood: Jack...?
(Scene Transition)
- Jack: What's the matter? Are you hurt?
- Red Riding Hood: No... I'm sorry about earlier. You were just worried about me, and...
- Jack: Oh, that? Don't worry about it!
- Red Riding Hood: It's just that I get anxious without something on my head, and I start to feel lightheaded...
- Jack: Red Riding Hood...
- Red Riding Hood: Being the big sister here, I have to say sorry for being so unreliable...
- Jack: Well, everyone's allowed to feel anxious, so if wearing the hood helps, I think it's fine.
- Red Riding Hood: Thanks, Jack. Okay, let's get going! Look! They're way ahead of us already.
- Jack: Huh...? Already...?!
- Red Riding Hood: Don't get left behind, Jack!
- Jack: Wait... Isn't everyone going to wait for me...?
- Red Riding Hood: I'm gonna catch up to them! See you!
(Exit Red Riding Hood)
- Jack: She's running...?! W-Wait for me!
Blood Libido 2[]
(Hallway, Red Riding Hood without her hood)
- Red Riding Hood: *sigh*
- Jack: (Huh? Red Riding Hood? What's she doing, sitting over there?) Red Riding Hood? Did you come to see Haru?
- Red Riding Hood: Jack?! Y-You scared me there...
- Jack: Oh, uh, I'm sorry... I was just passing by and I saw you here, so... Hm? Where's your hood?
- Red Riding Hood: Well, it tore... Haru's patching it up for me now. He did say he'd get it fixed in a jiffy, so once he's done, let's go and train!
- Jack: Huh? But... I'm a bit tired, and...
- Red Riding Hood: Heh, heh! Well, you better rest while you still can, then.
- Jack: (She's smiling, but I can't feel her enthusiasm or energy at all...)
- Red Riding Hood: Maybe we can train with projectiles. I don't think I'd lose to you in that.
- Jack: (Yeah, she doesn't look well at all. Come to think of it, she does get uneasy without her hood. Thumbelina said she's fine as long as she's wearing something on her head, right?) Um, let me go to your room and get you something to wear on your head.
- Red Riding Hood: ...
- Jack: Um, Red Riding Hood?
- Red Riding Hood: Don't go, Jack...
- Jack: (Her hand's shaking...)
- Red Riding Hood: I don't feel good now. Don't leave me... Stay with me here...
- Jack: Red Riding Hood...
- Red Riding Hood: I-I'm sorry! Um, just forget what I said! I'll be fine...
- Jack: (I can't leave her alone like that...) If you don't mind, I'll stay here until Haru's done.
- Red Riding Hood: Are you sure?
- Jack: Yeah, it's not like I had anything to do... (S-She's holding onto my arms! Her hands are so soft...) I-I know! How about my handkerchief? Maybe it'll work!
- Red Riding Hood: Your handkerchief?
- Jack: See? Like... this! Well, it's small, so it won't cover your head entirely, but...
- Red Riding Hood: Your handkerchief... I think I feel a little better now...
- Jack: Th-That's good to hear.
- Red Riding Hood: B-But, I still want you to wait here...
- Jack: Sure thing. Let's wait for Haru.
- Red Riding Hood: Heh... Thanks, Jack...
- Jack: (I would've never expected to see Red Riding Hood like this...)
- Red Riding Hood: Don't tell this to anyone. This isn't in my character, you know...
- Jack: (Is she blushing...? For being an older sister-type, she's kind of cute...)
- Red Riding Hood: Jack...? You're not disappointed in me, are you? After all, I'm in a pretty pathetic state right now...
- Jack: N-Not at all! In fact, you're...
- Red Riding Hood: I'm...?
- Jack: Um... I-I know! Let's talk about something else while we wait! I want to hear more about you!
- Red Riding Hood: Me...? Sure. Okay... I feel like I can tell you anything...
- Jack: (Whew... She's finally smiling...)
(Red Riding Hood's Room)
- Red Riding Hood: Huh? You're going to the store? I was just gonna go there, too! Let's go together!
- Jack: Are you sure you're okay coming with me?
- Red Riding Hood: Of course! I was just thinking about getting something new to wear, like a hood or a hat.
- Jack: You're really fashionable, aren't you?
- Red Riding Hood: Fashionable? More like a headwear enthusiast... Haha...
- Red Riding Hood: ...And then Kaguya was being so lazy, as usual, but at the worst time possible!
- Jack: Kaguya? That's just bad timing. (It feels good to have a casual conversation with her like this.)
- Red Riding Hood: Right? And then Thumby got so mad, she refused to talk to her! It was a major pain, having to diffuse that tension.
- Jack: I guess you always end up having to take care of things like that.
- Red Riding Hood: Seriously, I always have to be the moderator. Well, it doesn't bother me, since everyone's like my younger sister.
- Jack: I can't imagine what I would've gone through if you weren't here.
- Red Riding Hood: Oh, but you're my most bothersome little brother. You're kinda klutzy, too.
- Jack: Urgh... I can't deny that...
- Red Riding Hood: I'm just kidding! You learn quickly, so you've got a lot going for you.
- Jack: Really?
- Red Riding Hood: Absolutely! I know talent when I see it! Don't worry, I'll train you up real good!
- Jack: Um, I'd appreciate it if you'd tone it down on the training...
- Red Riding Hood: Heh, heh... Hey, we're here!
(General Store)
- Clara: Hiya! Welcome, welcome!
- Jack: Hi...
- Red Riding Hood: You mind showing me your hats, Clara?
- Clara: I've got just the one for you!
- Jack: (I wonder which hat would look good on Red Riding Hood...)
- Red Riding Hood: A white hat with a flower on it... It's so pretty...
- Jack: How about this? The design's simple, but I think it would look good on you!
- Red Riding Hood: Wha-?! I-I guess you're right! I'm about the only Blood Maiden who can pull off a chic look like this!
- Jack: For sure! You look just like a sophisticated older sister! If not...
- Red Riding Hood: A pink hood with a lacy rim... The stitching's cute, too.
- Jack: Look! The silver accessory on this black hood would look great on you!
- Red Riding Hood: Let me see that... Hey, not bad at all. ...How's it look?
- Jack: It's just as I thought! You look even stronger with it on!
- Red Riding Hood: What do you mean "stronger?" What you see here is pure awesomeness! I'm just kidding!
- Jack: It really does look cool on you...
- Red Riding Hood: *sigh* Say, Jack? What color should I choose for this ribbon? I'm debating between red and yellow.
- Jack: I think a feather would look better on you than a ribbon.
- Red Riding Hood: Y-You think so?
- Jack: I sure do! You're a lot cooler than I am!
- Red Riding Hood: ... Sorry Jack, but I gotta go...
- Jack: Huh? What's the matter?
- Red Riding Hood: Why don't you take your time and look around?
(Exit Red Riding Hood)
- Jack: (She left...)
- Clara: Huh? You havin' problems with Big Sis?
- Jack: Did I do something to her...? (Well, she was looking at the cuter-looking hats, like the ones with flowers and ribbons... Was I being too pushy with the image I had of her?)
- Jack: (I haven't been able to talk to Red Riding Hood since then... I'd better break the ice today...) R-Red Riding Hood... Do you have a moment?
(Enter Red Riding Hood)
- Red Riding Hood: Hey, Jack! It's been a while! Come on in!
- Jack: (Huh? She's her usual self?)
(Red Riding Hood)
- Jack: Has it really been a while? I mean, we see each other when we're with everyone else.
- Red Riding Hood: I guess...?
- Jack: (As expected, she's feeling down...)
- Red Riding Hood: Well, I am an older sister, so I guess you only need me when you need to rely on me...
- Jack: That's not true! There are a lot of things I want to talk to you about!
- Red Riding Hood: Jack...? What are you trying to tell me?
- Jack: Sure you're reliable, but that's strictly because of your role on the Blood Team. You're just as cute as any other girl, and I was so rude about it last time! I'm so sorry!
- Red Riding Hood: H-Hold on there! Wait a sec, Jack!
- Jack: I kept seeing you as a cool and reliable person just because you act as our older sister, and...
- Red Riding Hood: Stop right there! I know you really think I'm not fit to be called cute, right?!
- Jack: That's not it! I know you're dependable, but you're just like any other girl!
- Red Riding Hood: Me? The tomboy of the group?! You can't be serious...
- Jack: You always remember to congratulate members of the Dawn on their anniversaries, right?
- Red Riding Hood: Well, that's because I'm the older sister...
- Jack: Seeing you reminds me how fashionable girls can be, and how pretty... with nice, clean hair!
- Red Riding Hood: What...?
- Jack: I know how you take good care of your hands, even with handling heavy weapons like yours!
- Red Riding Hood: Wh-When did you notice that...?!
- Jack: You also have cute things in your room.
- Red Riding Hood: Uh... Well, these are...
- Jack: Your red hood is also feminine, and fashionable, and looks great on you!
- Red Riding Hood: Augh! Stop! Just stop already!
- Jack: Why? Is it a bother for me to call you cute, or pretty?
- Red Riding Hood: That's not the point! I got it that you see me as a girl!
- Jack: Well, then...
- Red Riding Hood: Urrh! Do I have to tell you?! I'm just embarrassed!
- Jack: Huh?! (Now that she said that, I guess what I was saying is embarrassing, but I wasn't lying...)
- Red Riding Hood: Dad's the only one who ever says things like that to me, so I'm happy to hear you say it, too...
- Jack: Red Riding Hood...
- Red Riding Hood: Jack, take a seat. I'll get you something to drink.
- Jack: This flower-shaped cup is cute, too...
- Red Riding Hood: Like I said, stop it already...
- Jack: (She's sitting next to me...?)
- Red Riding Hood: I should've been honest with you back then. I wanted to say that I wanted a cute hat, and that I like flowers and ribbons.
- Jack: No, I should have noticed. I'm so sorry...
- Red Riding Hood: I'm sorry, too... But, I was happy you were looking for something that looks good on me.
- Jack: Well, I think what you like is what would look best for you. If you like cute things, let me know. After all, you are who you are.
- Red Riding Hood: You sure? You don't expect me to like older-sister things?
- Jack: I'm sure! I'm actually happy to learn things about you that I didn't know before! I was also happy that you leaned on me when you were feeling down on yourself before...
- Red Riding Hood: Oh, that...! Um... Thanks... You can't believe how much you helped, Jack...
- Jack: Come to think of it, you were really cute back then.
- Red Riding Hood: ...?!
- Jack: And to think, afterwards I was saying you were cooler than me and stuff...
- Red Riding Hood: Well, you at least got that right...
- Jack: Huh?!
- Red Riding Hood: In any case, everything's back to normal again, right?
- Jack: (She's blushing again...) Right... Thanks...
- Red Riding Hood: Hey, what's with that grin of yours?
- Jack: Wha--?! My face...!
Up Close[]
(Red Riding Hood's Room, White Flash)
- Jack: Whoa!
(Fade to and from black)
- Red Riding Hood: I'm so sorry, Jack!
- Jack: It's okay. Just the water from the vase splashed on me, that's all.
- Red Riding Hood: Well, don't just sit there! Take your shirt off! You're gonna catch a cold like that. Jack... What's that scar on your arm?!
- Jack: (Shoot! She saw it...!)
- Red Riding Hood: Look at all those scars... Did you get them from the Marchens? Don't tell me it's from other people...
- Jack: Alice needed my blood, so I used to cut myself...
- Red Riding Hood: Oh, really...? But, didn't it hurt?
- Jack: It's not like I cut myself deep. I mean, the torturing was way worse.
- Red Riding Hood: ... I guess I should be happier being found by my dad and raised by the Dawn...
- Jack: I'm actually happy that I got to meet everyone here at the Dawn.
- Red Riding Hood: I'm happy to hear that from you... Things are a bit wonky now, but ever since I was little, everyone in the Dawn's been like family.
- Jack: Speaking of which, what were you like when you were little?
- Red Riding Hood: I came here when I was two years old, and from what I heard, I was pretty much a rascal. They said they always had to chase me around.
- Jack: Heh... No surprises there.
- Red Riding Hood: Everyone finished their work early to celebrate my birthday with a birthday cake. I have every single one of my gifts that Dad gave me. He'd always say how big I was getting.
- Jack: (The Professor must really care for Red Riding Hood...)
- Red Riding Hood: Haru's about the only one who still calls me a kid.
- Jack: I think this is the first time I've heard you talk about your past like this.
- Red Riding Hood: It's embarrassing, but I feel okay talking about it with you.
- Jack: That's nice to hear.
- Red Riding Hood: Everyone in the Dawn is my family, so you and Alice are part of my family too, now.
- Jack: So you're talking about yourself like this to me because I'm in your Dawn family?
- Red Riding Hood: Mmm... You could say that, but that's not exactly right. I mean, besides the Dawn, I didn't really have any friends...
- Jack: Uh...! I'm so sorry for saying that!
- Red Riding Hood: Heh, heh! Don't worry. Regardless of what anyone says, I'm happy now because of the Dawn!
- Jack: (She cares about the Dawn more than anyone around...)
- Red Riding Hood: Sure we're family now, but each person is a special someone to me. Whether you're family or not, you are who you are, and my dad is my dad, right?
- Jack: I guess... But I can't fight or make things or do doctor stuff...
- Red Riding Hood: I wasn't saying that as sarcasm. I just said that because of you.
- Jack: Me?
- Red Riding Hood: You're the one who told me that I am who I am.
- Jack: Well, of course! No one can replace how cool or cute you are.
- Red Riding Hood: Well, if the missions we undertake get dangerous, I'm sure there'll be a lot of conflicting opinions. But, we are still family, so as the big sister, I want to take whatever comes my way to heart.
- Jack: But don't overdo it... Well, not that I'm not going to rely on you...
- Red Riding Hood: Well, if you think things are getting rough for me, just be by my side.
- Jack: Gotcha! If you're okay with me doing that, I will!
- Red Riding Hood: Heh... Thanks.
Blood Maidens 1[]
(Dining Area)
- Red Riding Hood: Um, maybe it's just me, but I feel like the food now tastes better than before...
- Thumbelina: It's always been this good. I don't taste anything different.
- Alice: I've learned how good food is since coming here. I think eating is something I'm going to enjoy.
- Jack: I didn't know there were so many recipes until now...
- Red Riding Hood: Pass me your plate, Jack. We've got enough for second too, if you'd like.
- Jack: What about everyone else?
- Red Riding Hood: I'm full already. You're a guy, so you should be eating more than us.
- Thumbelina: The meals are made with that in mind, so you better eat what you've got.
- Jack: Thanks...
- Red Riding Hood: So, is this enough?
- Jack: Yes! (The perfect amount! And even without me saying anything.)
- Red Riding Hood: Eat up, Jack. You're gonna need it to build up your blood.
- Alice: Miko also said that males should eat more, too.
- Jack: Um... I'll do my best...
- Snow White: Snow White thinks the food has been tasting better as of recently.
- Sleeping Beauty: Alice and Jack...
- Thumbelina: Oh, I see!
- Red Riding Hood: Ah, I get it! The food tastes better because we have more people at the table!
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Yup...
- Red Riding Hood: It's fun to have everyone together here, isn't it?
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Yup... Mmm...
- Red Riding Hood: Here you go, Sleepy. You want this sauce, right?
- Sleeping Beauty: Mmm... Mmm... Mmm...
- Thumbelina: Oh, right...
- Red Riding Hood: Here's the napkin. Use it.
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup...
- Snow White: Here you go, Sleepy.
- Sleeping Beauty: Mmm... Mmm...
- Red Riding Hood: I think the chef would be happy to hear that from you.
- Sleeping Beauty: Mmm...
- Jack: (She's hardly talking, but they can converse like normal?!)
- Snow White: Um, Sleepy...? Can you eat mine, too...?
- Red Riding Hood: Hey, Snow White! Don't make Sleepy eat what you can't eat!
- Snow White: Whoops...
- Thumbelina: Sister Red is pretty sharp, you know? Even if I have a hard time understanding Sleepy, she can read her like a book.
- Snow White: She really watches over us, doesn't she?
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Yup...
- Jack: (I see... Red Riding Hood knows how everyone feels because she watches over everyone...)
(Red Riding Hood's Room)
- Red Riding Hood: And, there...
- Jack: Are you okay, Red Riding Hood? I think I can reach it, so if you'd like, I can get that for you.
- Red Riding Hood: No problem. I just need to use a chair to get it. I was the one who put it up there, you know? Got it! It's my favorite hat. But, it looked too cute for me, so I haven't worn it at all...
- Jack: Wha--?! The chair...!
- Red Riding Hood: Huh?!
- Jack: (S-Shes going to fall! I need to catch her!)
- Red Riding Hood: Yikes!
- Jack: Whoa!
- Red Riding Hood: Owww... Huh? It didn't hurt that much...
- Jack: (Ouch... Thank goodness she didn't fall headfirst...) Ref Rifin Hoof, are youf ofay? (I can't speak clearly... Something's covering my face...)
- Red Riding Hood: Eek!
- Jack: R-Ref Rifin Hoof...?
- Red Riding Hood: Wh-What the...?! Something's moving! Eek! Wait... Jack?!
- Jack: (What now?! Something soft is sandwiching my face! Wait...!) Whaf the matter, Ref Rifin Hoof? Ifs so darf. Are youf there?
- Red Riding Hood: Eep! Don't talk now!
- Jack: (Augh! My head's being squeezed from both sides! I-I can't breathe...!)
- Red Riding Hood: Eep! Stop moving!
(Exit still)
- Jack: Aack! Huh... It's not dark anymore...
- Red Riding Hood: ...!
- Jack: Uh, Red Riding Hood? What are you doing huddling in the corner like that?
- Red Riding Hood: D-Don't come near me!
- Jack: Are you hurt?
- Red Riding Hood: No!
- Jack: Are you sure? I mean, you did fall off the chair, and...
- Red Riding Hood: I'm not hurt! Y-You caught me, so I'm fine...
- Jack: I...? Don't tell me... My face was...?!
- Red Riding Hood: Shut up! Do you want to get kicked again?!
- Jack: (Was that... her butt...?)
- Red Riding Hood: What are you staring at?!
- Jack: (Well, covering up with her hat isn't helping at all...!) I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen...
- Red Riding Hood: If you did, I would have punched you until you got amnesia! I, um... Y-You were trying to help me, right...?
- Jack: Y-Yeah...
- Red Riding Hood: Thanks, Jack. I'm sorry for kicking you like that... I was just... embarrassed.
- Jack: D-Don't worry about it! I-I know! Let's, um, forget about what happened!
- Red Riding Hood: Th-That sounds like a plan! We didn't get hurt, so it works!
- Jack: Hahahaha!
- Red Riding Hood: Hahahaha!
- Jack: (Her thighs were really soft, but boy, was that painful...)
Blood Maidens 2[]
- Red Riding Hood: All right, then! Let's get friendly with our newcomer!
- Jack: (Sounds good, but what's with that ball? Why do I have a bad feeling about this...?)
- Red Riding Hood: Gretel! We're coming in!
(Gretel's Room)
- Gretel: Red Riding Hood? Jack? What's with the rude entry?
- Red Riding Hood: We just wanted to have a comfy welcome party with you!
- Gretel: *sigh* I have no intention of getting to know you better at this time.
- Jack: (I knew it... She refused us in an instant...)
- Red Riding Hood: Okay! Let's go outside!
- Jack: (And, Red Riding Hood isn't listening to her...)
- Gretel: You need to explain to me the purpose of going outside.
- Red Riding Hood: What's there to explain? We're gonna play catch! It'll help with training, too!
- Gretel: No, thanks. I'm spending my time thinking now.
- Jack: (I can almost hear Gretel adding "unlike you" to her sentence...)
- Red Riding Hood: Okay! I guess a real challenge is what you need instead of a simple game of catch!
- Gretel: ...
- Red Riding Hood: Hmm... We could see who throws the farthest, or play kickball, or see who can hit Jack the most...
- Jack: (Uh, did she just say "who can hit Jack the most?")
- Gretel: I see... You need futile challenges to satiate your appetite for battling Marchens.
- Red Riding Hood: Huh? What do you mean "futile?!" We can get to know each other better through even a single challenge!
- Gretel: Futile, indeed...
- Jack: (They're completely different. At this rate, they're going to start fighting...)
- Red Riding Hood: Huh? What do you mean by that? I just want to become friends with you!
- Gretel: So how does that relate to your suggested activities? Talking should suffice. I can see sense in conversing to deepen our knowledge of each other.
- Red Riding Hood: But if we challenge each other, we wouldn't even need to talk to know each other better!
- Gretel: I can see we're on different planes.
- Red Riding Hood: You keep holing yourself up inside, so I wanted to...
- Gretel: I doubt your brain of muscle is suited fo understanding me.
- Red Riding Hood: Wha--?!
- Jack: H-Hold on there! Calm down, you two!
- Red Riding Hood: You have something to say to me too, Jack?!
- Gretel: Unlike Red Riding Hood, I'm always calm.
- Jack: She just wants you to enjoy being friends with everyone at the Dawn!
- Red Riding Hood: W-Well, that's what I want to happen, but...
- Jack: But you'll be friendlier if we talk instead of moving around and doing things, right?!
- Gretel: Why, yes.
- Jack: Well, then! How come you two can't get along?!
- Gretel: You seem quite serious, Jack.
- Jack: Um, what...?
- Red Riding Hood: Yup! Look at how red your face is!
- Jack: I just didn't want to see you two arguing with each other, and...!
- Red Riding Hood: Jack? Whose side are you on?
- Gretel: I believe siding with someone with the proper mindset, like myself, would do you the most good.
- Red Riding Hood: Don't tell me you forgot all the things we've been through together, Jack!
- Jack: W-Wait! You're both friends to me!
- Gretel: Men who can't decide are the enemies of women.
- Red Riding Hood: You got that right, Gretel!
- Gretel: Why, it's only natural to think so.
- Jack: (Huh?)
- Gretel: Do you have anything to say, Jack?
- Red Riding Hood: And to think I trusted you all this time...
- Jack: Wha--?! What are you both saying?!
(Fade to black)
- Gretel: So, Jack? What are you going to do?
- Red Riding Hood: Jack...?
- Jack: Why me?!
(Jail Tower Ruins)
- Jack: We made it!
- Red Riding Hood: Ugggh... I thought I was gonna die just now!
- Jack: (I can still feel Red Riding Hood's weight in my arms...)
- Red Riding Hood: Look like you saved me again, Jack... But, of all the things you could've done...
- Jack: I'm sorry, but that was the best I could come up with. I'm glad it worked.
- Red Riding Hood: Looks like you're the one saving me all the time... Now that I think about it, I think I was able to bear Dad's betrayal because of you, Jack. If I'd been alone, I probably wouldn't have made it out with everything that's happened...
- Jack: Red Riding Hood...
- Red Riding Hood: Thinking about Dad still feels weird to me... He killed everyone who found me, then he cared for me... I loved him with all I had... I can't forgive him, but I can't not love him. It's all a jumble. I can't just hate him.
- Jack: That's very much like you, Red Riding Hood...
- Red Riding Hood: Huh...?
- Jack: I learned how wonderful it is to care about your friends, how to care for others, from you.
- Red Riding Hood: Jack... I wasn't doing anything special.
- Jack: I learned what I needed to protect those special to me. I learned strength, kindness, and pain... That's why I want you to at least share that burden, and not try to hide it behind a strong front. I want you to be who you really are, Red Riding Hood...
- Red Riding Hood: Thank you, Jack... Jack, I want you to take better care of yourself. You do the darndest things when the pressure's on, and that hurts my heart.
- Jack: Red Riding Hood... I'm sorry if I worried you...
- Red Riding Hood: Well, next time let me know. Discuss with me what you want to do first! I want you to talk to me more than before. I am older than you, after all.
- Jack: Uh, but you seem to know what I'm thinking before I even say anything...
- Red Riding Hood: Huh...?
- Jack: F-Fine! I'll be sure to rely on you more, Red Riding Hood!
- Red Riding Hood: Very good. Well then, let's do more together, okay?
- Jack: (Why do I feel like she's going to make me do something unreasonable...?)
- Rapunzel: Heeey!
- Snow White: Sister Red!
- Red Riding Hood: Everyone...!
- Jack: What a relief! Everyone's safe!
- Red Riding Hood: We've got a lot to do now... Guess I need to get back in shape and do more sisterly stuff!
- Jack: Red Riding Hood... The Jail's story ended, but our story... Our new story is about to begin.
- Red Riding Hood: You said it! We're going to help each other out, just like before. After all, we're a family now.
Mary Skelter 2[]
Event 1 - Introduction[]
- Otsuu: So this must be Red Riding Hood's room.
- Little Mermaid: I wonder if she's in.
- Otsuu: We can come back later if she isn't. Let's see if she's in.
- Little Mermaid: Okay.
- Otsuu: ...
- Little Mermaid: ... You're not going to knock on the door?
- Otsuu: I-I'm sorry. Something is holding me back from knocking...
- Little Mermaid: I bet you're just nervous because it's been a while since you've had a chance to see her.
- Otsuu: I'm also assuming she's not in her best state now, so... Okay. I'm ready to knock on the door.
- Red Riding Hood: Just a sec! Coming!
(Red Riding Hood's Room)
- Red Riding Hood: Hey, Otsuu and Mermie. What's up?
- Little Mermaid: Hi there, Sis.
- Otsuu: Uh, you should really see who's at the door before opening, you know? Who knows who it could've been.
- Red Riding Hood: Not like anything bad would've happened. So what? You came here to lecture me or something?
- Otsuu: Uh, not at all...
- Little Mermaid: We just swung by, since we didn't have much of a chance to talk with each other.
- Red Riding Hood: Well, that's nice of you. Did you bring anything for me?
- Otsuu: Uh, no...
- Red Riding Hood: Heh! I'm just kidding!
- Otsuu: (She looks like she's okay, but something about her isn't quite right...)
- Red Riding Hood: Not like I have anything here, but feel free to stay. I'm sure there's a lot to talk about.
- Little Mermaid: Sis, are you doing okay? Is everything fine?
- Red Riding Hood: Sure, all good. Things are actually cool here.
- Otsuu: That's good to hear... I was a bit worried about you.
- Red Riding Hood: To think that the day you girls would be worried about me would come... Sis is proud of ya. You both can stand on your own two feet, which is good! Guess I better keep up with ya! Which means I have to start by training myself! Can't be lazy, after all!
- Otsuu: There's nothing to keep up with.
- Red Riding Hood: Oh, and muscles! Muscles are great. Having a healthy body can lead to a healthy mind!
- Little Mermaid: Um, that came out of nowhere...
- Red Riding Hood: C'mon, being healthy is great! If you stay healthy, then your mind can be healthy, too...
- Otsuu: (What's with that look on her face? Contrary to what she's saying, she sure looks sad... I guess it's just her way of trying to cheer herself up. I better root for her...)
- Little Mermaid: We're happy as long as you're fine, Sis... But please, don't overdo yourself.
- Red Riding Hood: Yup, thanks! Don't you worry! I'm all fine... Heh heh... Heh... Guess I can't fool you girls... Sorry, I'm not really at my best. You girls mind leaving me alone for awhile?
- Otsuu: Sure... Sorry to have barged in.
- Red Riding Hood: C'mon now, you girls are always welcome! No need to worry at all. I am your big sis, you know? I'm happy you girls came to visit, and that's a fact. Feel free to come again, you hear?
- Little Mermaid: Okay, we'll be leaving. But if anything happens, please let us know.
- Red Riding Hood: Sure thing. I'll do that.
(Hallway, Exit Red Riding Hood)
- Otsuu: She didn't look well at all...
- Little Mermaid: I could tell Sis was trying to hold up a front, but that sure wasn't the SIs I knew before...
- Otsuu: I don't blame her, especially after losing so many people from Dawn...
- Little Mermaid: If only we could help...
- Otsuu: We should keep an eye out on her for now. I'm sure we'll be able to help somehow.
Event 2 - Blood Libido 1[]
- Otsuu: Looks like we're back in front of Red Riding Hood's room again...
- Little Mermaid: Sis is trying to act normal in front of everyone, but... I'm still worried...
- Otsuu: She did say we can come and visit, so we just have to knock on her door like usual.
- Little Mermaid: You're right.
- Otsuu: Huh? She's not in?
- Little Mermaid: Maybe she stepped out.
- Otsuu: Hm...? What's this sound?
- Little Mermaid: It sounds like it's coming from her room...
- Red Riding Hood: Urrh... Urrh...!
- Otsuu: Is that... Red Riding Hood?!
- Little Mermaid: She sounded like she's in pain! Maybe something happened to her!
- Otsuu: Red Riding Hood, we're coming in!
(Red Riding Hood's Room)
- Little Mermaid: Are you okay, Sis?!
- Red Riding Hood: Urrh...!
- Otsuu: What are you doing?! Stop it! Stop cutting your hood!
- Red Riding Hood: Otsuu... Mermie... Why are you two here...?
- Otsuu: You didn't answer us, so we just came in. What in the world are you doing here?!
- Little Mermaid: Sis, I thought your Blood Libido made you jittery without the hood.
- Red Riding Hood: Well, yeah... I know it's sad, but without my hood, I get all jumpy and anxious and things...
- Little Mermaid: That's only because of your Blood Libido.
- Red Riding Hood: That's no excuse for me to get all bent out of shape just because of my hood...
- Little Mermaid: Sis...
- Red Riding Hood: Which is why I figured I ever my ties to my hood, so that I can overcome my weakness...
- Otsuu: You do know that it won't help you fight your Blood Libido one bit, right?
- Red Riding Hood: But I keep thinking to myself how different things would've been if I only kept my cool...
- Otsuu: What do you mean?
- Red Riding Hood: A lot of my friends died when that mysterious Nightmare attacked the Liberated District. The results would've been different if only I had kept my cool... I need to change... I can't stay the same!
- Little Mermaid: That's not true!
- Otsuu: Princess...
- Little Mermaid: You were the reason why the Blood Maidens were able to escape. We're all in your debt. Please don't be so harsh on yourself. You did the best you can in the worst of situations...
- Red Riding Hood: But, Mermie...
- Little Mermaid: You're okay as you are, Sis... Please, don't treat yourself like this...
- Red Riding Hood: Sorry... I suck at being a big sis, especially with how I made you so sad, Mermie...
- Otsuu: Red Riding Hood...
- Red Riding Hood: No need to say anything. I got it. Cutting my hood up like this won't do anything. Still, I need to do something with my anger and sorrow that's pent up inside me...
- Little Mermaid: Don't carry the load yourself. We all lost something then, so please talk to us if there's anything.
- Red Riding Hood: Thanks... Something isn't right with me... I just get all sullen and down when I'm by myself... My head fills with hatred towards the Nightmare, and then I start feeling pathetic about myself...
- Otsuu: (She's carrying a load way deeper and darker than I expected...)
- Red Riding Hood: I can't keep everyone worried about me for so long... I'll be careful next time.
- Otsuu: Red Riding Hood...
- Little Mermaid: Sis, can I borrow that hood? I'd like to get it patched up.
- Red Riding Hood: Sure thing, and thanks.
- Otsuu: (She's still smiling, but even I can tell she's really forcing herself...)
Event 3 - Blood Libido 2[]
(Station Grounds. Heroine's Memories will show the Art Alley.)
- Red Riding Hood: Take this! And this! I'll slice you to bits! Let me hear you scream! Hahaha!
- Little Mermaid: Sis...
- Otsuu: Looks like she's getting better, but... Isn't her hatred towards Marchens and Nightmares a bit... intense?
- Thumbelina: You think?
- Otsuu: You noticed too, Thumbelina?
- Thumbelina: Duh... At least she's not clammed up in her room like before... She's fighting like there's no tomorrow... I'm sure there are other ways to fight than that...
- Little Mermaid: What's scary is that it also looks like she's enjoying it... It's as if she's finding joy in killing...
- Red Riding Hood: Huh? That's it? What a letdown.
- Otsuu: You're... looking good, Red Riding Hood.
- Red Riding Hood: Yeah! I haven't felt better!
- Little Mermaid: Ah... Sis! You're hurt!
- Red Riding Hood: Hurt? Oh hey, look at that. I didn't notice.
- Otsuu: No wonder you're hurt. You went into battle blindly without any care of yourself.
- Red Riding Hood: Heh heh! C'mon, it happens. Won't do it next time!
- Little Mermaid: Sis, this is no laughing matter. Here, let me take a look...
- Red Riding Hood: Aw, c'mon it's nothing. Just put some spit on it and we can call it a day.
- Little Mermaid: No! There's no telling what would happen if we leave that alone. Now, let me see...
- Red Riding Hood: Oh, fine... You really are a worrywart.
- Little Mermaid: Sis, you seem... happy.
- Red Riding Hood: Really? I guess you're right. I can't hold myself back... Now that I'm back in action, I can go and kill some of them Marchens and Nightmares!
- Little Mermaid: ...
- Red Riding Hood: It sure feels good to fight! Haven't felt this good in awhile!
- Little Mermaid: Um, Sis...?
- Red Riding Hood: Hm? What's up?
- Little Mermaid: Please don't overdo yourself.
- Red Riding Hood: ... I sure ain't...
- Little Mermaid: But...
- Red Riding Hood: Leave me alone...
(Exit Red Riding Hood and Little Mermaid)
- Thumbelina: Hmph... That doesn't look like a person who can be left alone. What a pain...
- Otsuu: (I better keep an eye out on her so that she doesn't do anything brash...)
Event 4 - Amiss[]
(Station Grounds. Heroine's Memories will show the Art Alley.)
- Red Riding Hood: Die! Die! I'll kill you all!
- Thumbelina: *sigh* There she goes again...
- Otsuu: She's wasting a lot of energy, forcing herself into the enemy line. That really isn't her style.
- Little Mermaid: I hope she's not overdoing herself...
- Hameln: But she looks really happy. It's good that she's finding enjoyment from this.
- Gretel: That poses a problem in itself...
- Hameln: Really? I don't see the problem.
- Gretel: I wouldn't expect you to.
- Red Riding Hood: I'll beat the crap out of you! Take this! And this! Ow!
- Otsuu: Red Riding Hood!
- Gretel: Looks like she hurt herself in the process.
- Thumbelina: Well, that's her own fault.
- Hameln: Hm, but injuring yourself isn't good, even if it was while having fun...
- Little Mermaid: Sis, are you okay?
- Red Riding Hood: I'm fine. I just cut myself.
- Little Mermaid: Let me see. I'll patch you up.
- Red Riding Hood: Here...
- Otsuu: That was dangerous. One wrong move and you would've been critically hurt.
- Red Riding Hood: Sure, whatever you say.
- Otsuu: "Whatever you say?!" You can't be treating yourself like this!
- Red Riding Hood: I need to keep going... or else I won't make it...
- Otsuu: Huh?
- Red Riding Hood: I need to keep my hatred towards them at peak... That's the only thing keeping me afloat...
- Otsuu: Red Riding Hood...
- Red Riding Hood: Leave me alone already... I'm the only one that will die. I won't cause you any trouble.
- Little Mermaid: Stop saying that...
- Gretel: I find it odd that you said that your death won't cause trouble.
- Red Riding Hood: What's so strange about it?
- Gretel: You're hurt now, and are already causing trouble to others. How do you explain that?
- Red Riding Hood: That's...
- Gretel: Feel free to treat yourself badly, but unfortunately for you, most here are capable enough to care. Your one wrong move may bring all of us down. Do you mind that at all?
- Red Riding Hood: Gretel, your brother was killed... You know how I feel, don't you?
- Gretel: Similar experiences doesn't equate to similar trains of thought. At the very least, I care enough to avoid emotional outbursts so that I don't waste Hansel's death.
- Red Riding Hood: ...
- Otsuu: Red Riding Hood, she's right. Please, you need to stop binding yourself needlessly to hatred.
- Red Riding Hood: If only I could...
- Little Mermaid: Ah...
- Red Riding Hood: I'm fine already... Let's get going...
(Exit Red Riding Hood)
- Otsuu: Red Riding Hood...? (What was she going to say?)
- Gretel: Heh heh... "Binding needlessly in hatred?" Quite a horrible thing to say.
- Otsuu: Horrible? What do you...
- Thumbelina: Hey, we better get going. We can't let Red Riding Hood run off like this.
(Exit Thumbelina)
- Hameln: All of you, follow me!
(Exit Hameln)
- Gretel: You're not our leader...
(Exit Gretel)
- Little Mermaid: Let's go, Otsuu. I'm sure we'll have another chance to speak with Sis.
- Otsuu: I suppose...
Event 5 - Reconciliation[]
(Otsuu's Room)
- Little Mermaid: Otsuu, do you have a moment?
- Otsuu: Princess? Let me get the door open...
(Enter Little Mermaid and Red Riding Hood)
- Otsuu: Red Riding Hood... (Come to think of it, I don't think we've had the chance to speak with Red Riding Hood since.)
- Red Riding Hood: Um, how can I word this... Sorry about the last time. I was in the wrong then.
- Otsuu: You don't have to apologize...
- Red Riding Hood: My breakdown back then caused everyone so much trouble. Not much of a sis, eh?
- Little Mermaid: Sis wanted to go around to apologize after all that.
- Red Riding Hood: And, it felt weird going around myself, so I had Mermie come with me. Big sis my butt...
- Otsuu: Don't worry about it. On the contrary, I should be the one to apologize for being so brash.
- Red Riding Hood: Ooh, acting like an adult! You two really have grown up, haven't you? Guess that means I can ask you something...
- Otsuu: About what?
- Red Riding Hood: Well, it's more a rant than a question. You know how I said I needed to keep my hatred to stay afloat?
- Otsuu: Yes...
- Red Riding Hood: If I was stronger inside, then maybe that wouldn't be the case. But I'm weak, so I keep myself in check by filling myself with hatred... It's like hating the wolf while in its belly. Hatred is really my motivating factor now.
- Otsuu: Red Riding Hood...
- Red Riding Hood: I kept myself going by using hatred to fuel my want for vengeance. I know that's wrong, but I can't stop myself. Right now, I am hatred itself. Without it, I'll just be some kind of hollow.
- Otsuu: Hollow... (I see... So that's what Gretel meant when she said "horrible." Getting rid of her hatred is no different than denying Red Riding Hood's very existence. She doesn't know what to do, so she's using vengeance as an excuse for her existence...) I'm sorry... I didn't see the pains that you were going through.
- Red Riding Hood: Why are you apologizing? What you said was correct. Trying to keep myself afloat by using hatred makes me the odd one here...
- Otsuu: That's not true. I understand very well the sorrow and hatred of losing all those back at Dawn. Even so, I denounced your feelings despite sharing the pains.
- Red Riding Hood: But...
- Little Mermaid: Otsuu and I hate that Nightmare, but we want to protect those close to us for the future ahead. I don't think you need to force yourself to get rid of your hatred and sorrow.
- Red Riding Hood: You think I'm okay as-is...?
- Otsuu: Fighting with vengeance at heart isn't wrong. I won't tell you to stop with the hating, too.
- Red Riding Hood: Otsuu... Mermie...
- Otsuu: But, we don't want to see you overdo yourself. You're a precious friend and family to us. Seeing you go all in only to have you come back hurt will only bring pain to us. So if you see us as family too, then I'd love to see you hold back a bit.
- Red Riding Hood: Heh... Got it. Guess I can't refuse a request from someone in my family.
- Little Mermaid: Thank goodness...
- Red Riding Hood: I suppose I was being a bit too reliant on you girls thinking that one of you would stop me. I bet that made me go nuts out there. I better get a better grip on myself.
- Little Mermaid: Well, if you do go "nuts" out there again, you can be sure I'll come and scold you.
- Red Riding Hood: I wouldn't expect anything less. I'm counting on you. Oh, and thanks... Thanks for accepting who I am.
Event 6 - Up Close[]
- Otsuu: Red Riding Hood? What are you doing here?
- Red Riding Hood: Justed wanted to take a breath of fresh air. What about you, Otsuu?
- Otsuu: Same here. I wanted to get some air, too. After all, there's a lot going on in my mind now.
- Red Riding Hood: Well, you do have a lot of people counting on you. You must have a knack for being a leader. Me, on the other hand? I'm not much of a leader, or even a big sis at that.
- Otsuu: Now you're saying that after all the time you've been our older sister?
- Red Riding Hood: Hey, it's at least true that I am the oldest, so in that sense I am a big sis of sorts. But ya know, after all the trouble I caused, it just made me wonder that I'm not big sis material.
- Otsuu: Hm... (I'm surprised she's worried about that.) But, Sis...
- Red Riding Hood: ...!
- Otsuu: Princess and I wouldn't be here today if you didn't bring us to safety from the Aquarium Ruins. Sis, you were reliable and were our beacon of hope when you came for us.
- Red Riding Hood: Otsuu...
- Otsuu: Do you remember what you told me when I was struggling to find a way to pay you back?
- Red Riding Hood: You mean about how you already paid me back by joining Dawn as a Blood Maiden?
- Otsuu: Oh, you remembered.
- Red Riding Hood: Same to you. I'm surprised you even remembered such a thing.
- Otsuu: That's because those words saved me. You said I may have the knack for being a leader, but I'd rather be someone offering support. But you're looking tired now, so that's why I'm just filling in to replace you temporarily. You were and are always our favorite big sis.
- Red Riding Hood: ... Oho? Is that so? Huh? Really?
- Otsuu: W-What? Y-You don't trust me?!
- Red Riding Hood: Oh no, it's just that it's unusual to hear you talk so earnestly. You just made my day. Heh...
- Otsuu: C-Cut it out! Unbelievable... To think you were down on yourself just a moment ago...
- Red Riding Hood: So sorry. I was just having a bit of fun seeing your knee-jerk reaction. Yeah, but thanks, Otsuu...
- Otsuu: That came out of nowhere.
- Red Riding Hood: I probably can't hold back the hatred in me, and I could go into emotional flashes. But, you still accepted me as-is. So yeah, thanks.
- Otsuu: Why wouldn't I? We are family after all. Oh, and you don't need to pay me back for this.
- Red Riding Hood: You really are a kind soul, Otsuu. I can only hope you find a new way of life once we escape. Until then, I'll probably cause a bit more trouble, and we could get into fights, but...
- Otsuu: That's no different than sisters fighting, right?
- Red Riding Hood: Heh... Took the words out of my mouth.
Event 7 - Blood Maidens 1[]
- Red Riding Hood: Augh, just give it a try!
- Kaguya: No...! Please stop...!
- Otsuu: What's going on? More fighting?
- Hameln: Otsuu, what perfect timing! Help us out!
- Otsuu: Huh? About what?
- Red Riding Hood: We want to get Kaguya off her vehicle thingy.
- Kaguya: You have to help me... Red Riding Hood and Hameln have been quite the bother.
- Otsuu: I don't know exactly what's going on, but if Kaguya doesn't want to get off, then just let her be.
- Red Riding Hood: Hell no! She ain't getting any exercise in just riding on that thing of hers. What's she gonna do if her health deteriorates and she gets sick, or when she needs to run?
- Hameln: She's right! What are you going to do if you get adyult... adelt... adyalt diseases?!
- Otsuu: (Adult disease... Guess she can't get that right...)
- Red Riding Hood: Not moving at all is only going to make you sick. I can't leave you like this as your friend!
- Otsuu: Well, I guess you have a point... It is true that Kaguya rarely ever moves herself.
- Kaguya: Oh, so now you're on their side, Otsuu?!
- Otsuu: Why not move a bit? It's not like you need to go all in to exercise.
- Kaguya: Eww... But, what kind of exercise isn't "all in" then?
- Otsuu: Mmm... Wel...
- Red Riding Hood: A half marathon!
- Hameln: Ooh! Yes, that's not too intense!
- Otsuu: Uh, no... That is intense.
- Red Riding Hood: But it's only half? It's gotta be easy.
- Hameln: Yes, easy.
- Otsuu: Sure, if you got muscles packed in your brains... I was referring to activities such as walking.
- Kaguya: Walking? Well, that is better than running, but what if I get a sprain from too much walking?
- Otsuu: Oh come now, no one would... Um... You never sprained yourself that way before, right?
- Kaguya: Who knows?
- Otsuu: Okay, then how about jump roping? That's easy to do, and can be done with just a rope.
- Kaguya: But it hurts if the rope hits you. Worse, what if you strangle yourself with the rope?
- Otsuu: Uh, I don't think you'd get your neck caught by the rope...
- Red Riding Hood: Hm... How about weight lifting? You know, using lighter weights. You don't need to lift too long, and just doing it daily should tone your body good.
- Hameln: Splendid idea!
- Kaguya: I don't have any weights...
- Red Riding Hood: No problem! I'll let you borrow mine! In fact, I brought one with me!
- Kaguya: Huh?
- Red Riding Hood: Here, use this!
- Kaguya: S-So heavy...
(Kaguya drops to the floor)
- Otsuu: I'm surprised you had one on you. Uh, but don't tell me you always have one with you...
- Red Riding Hood: Of course not! I just happened to have one on me today!
- Hameln: That should bring Kaguya on-step closer to good health! It sure feels good helping others out!
- Otsuu: Uh, we don't really know if Kaguya is healthy or not, but... I guess you girls were worried about her.
- Red Riding Hood: Hey, what are friends for?
- Otsuu: Heh... Nice to have good friends, right Kaguya? Huh? Um... Kaguya? Where are you?
- Kaguya: Urrh...
- Otsuu: What that...?! She's being pinned down by the weight?!
- Hameln: A-Are you all right?!
- Otsuu: This weight must be pretty darn heavy... Oh, no it isn't...
- Red Riding Hood: Health nothing! You've got a more serious problem if you can't even hold this weight!
- Otsuu: (She's weaker than I thought. But that would also mean she's not fit to even exercise...)
Event 8 - Blood Maidens 2[]
- Red Riding Hood: Wow, that's amazing! I've never seen one like that before!
- Otsuu: (Hm? Is that... Red Riding Hood?)
- Snow White: This flower bloomed this morning in Sleepy's room.
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup...
- Red Riding Hood: That must be a pretty rare flower. What's it called?
- Snow White: We're not sure... Sleepy hasn't seen one like it before, too.
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Seed...
- Snow White: I guess a seed must've flew in to her room, and found root in one of the pots. It sprouted, so Sleepy just figured she may as well grow it, and lo and behold, here it is.
- Red Riding Hood: Huh, but it sure is weird. The flower is as big as my face, and it looks sort of poisonous.
- Snow White: Right? There's this strange allure to its deep, oddly vibrant colors!
- Otsuu: (I can't see very well from here, but it doesn't look pretty at all...)
- Red Riding Hood: The smell is something, too! Just sniffing it makes my head feel light and cloudy...
- Snow White: Right...?
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Smell good...
- Otsuu: (Would the flower's aroma cause such a strange euphoric state? This isn't sounding good...)
- Red Riding Hood: Hey, the flower barked! I didn't know flowers did that?
- Snow White: Well, this species must be able to bark. It really is spunky, isn't it?
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup...
- Red Riding Hood: Huh, I see.
- Otsuu: (She doesn't find that strange?! There are no flowers that can bark!)
- Red Riding Hood: Ooh! Look at how it's squiggling. Boy, it really is active. Uh, but do flowers do this?
- Snow White: I think it must be a trait of its species. It sort of proves how alive it really is.
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup...
- Red Riding Hood: Huh, I see.
- Otsuu: (Wait! She can't seriously be okay with that explanation?! This is all so wrong!)
- Snow White: It's so rare that we figured we should put the flower someplace where everyone can see.
- Red Riding Hood: Sounds like a plan! I'm sure everyone would appreciate it. C'mon, let's find a place for it!
- Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Show everyone...
(Exit Red Riding Hood, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. Enter Otsuu)
- Otsuu: That thing sounds more like a monster than a flower... It's giving me bad vibes... I better take that flower off of their hands before it causes any problems...
Event 9 - Sexy[]
- Red Riding Hood: Haaaah!
- Alice: Haaaah!
- Otsuu: Wh-What the...?! Is there a fight?!
- Red Riding Hood: This is it!
- Alice: Not even close!
- Otsuu: Red Riding Hood?! Alice?! (It seems like they're training, but what they're doing is pretty intense and extreme... Even their clothes are falling apart. They better stop before they go completely nude...) Red Riding Hood! Alice! Stop it already!
- Red Riding Hood: Otsuu...?
- Alice: Since when were you here?
- Otsuu: I just happened by. I'm surprised you girls only noticed me now.
- Red Riding Hood: Well, sit back and watch, will ya? C'mon, let's do this, Alice!
- Alice: You'll regret it!
- Otsuu: Hey! I said stop!
- Red Riding Hood: Don't worry! We're only training so that we can kick some Marchen and Nightmare butt!
- Alice: She's right. We need to stay fit, so that we don't falter when the need to fight arises.
- Otsuu: Well yes, but I don't think you need to train to the extent your clothes are falling off...
- Alice: We can't let that bother us in an actual fight.
- Red Riding Hood: Blood Maidens are born to fight! We'll keep going, even if our clothes come off!
- Otsuu: Uh, I'd appreciate it if you don't describe us Blood Maidens like that... I understand you two are serious, but I doubt you need to go to those lengths for training.
- Alice: That's not true.
- Otsuu: Huh?
- Alice: I joined only recently. I can't let my junior state get in the way of everyone.
- Red Riding Hood: Yeah, and I only came back recently, too. We need to do a bit more than the norm to keep up. You know, we don't want to end up being a load on everyone.
- Otsuu: Is that what's worrying you two?
- Red Riding Hood: Well, yeah. It's a bit of a serious subject to us.
- Alice: We know everyone is nice here, but we want to catch up to where you all are at now.
- Otsuu: I see... I guess I can understand that feeling, but... Uh, you should really do something about your clothes there...
- Red Riding Hood: Yeah, it's a bit torn here and there.
- Alice: But it's not in our way to the extent we stop fighting.
- Otsuu: C'mon, you two should be... you know? A bit more embarrassed.
- Red Riding Hood: Hell no! Is being embarrassed going to help us win a fight?
- Alice: My sentiments exactly.
- Otsuu: (They're too excited to reason with now... I didn't expect Alice to be like that...)
(Enter Cinderella)
- Cinderella: Oh my! What is with your clothes?!
- Otsuu: Ah, Cinderella.
- Red Riding Hood: We're in the middle of training.
- Cinderella: But look at how much skin is showing! You should be embarrassed!
- Red Riding Hood: Huh? But...
- Cinderella: Training or not, you should not be in the open in the public's eye! I would never expect ladies like you two to expose yourself like this!
- Alice: Ladies...
- Red Riding Hood: So, you mean as girls...?
- Alice: ...
- Red Riding Hood: ... I guess we shouldn't be out here like this...
- Alice: True... I feel the embarrassment coming down on me now...
- Otsuu: (They got their cool back! Looks like my words weren't enough to get them to look at themselves.)
- Red Riding Hood: Let's get changed...
- Alice: Let's...
(Exit Still)
- Otsuu: Your words must've resonated with them, Cinderella.
- Cinderella: Hm? I didn't say anything unusual, did I?
Event 10 - Memoire[]
- Red Riding Hood: Heh heh... Heh heh...
- Otsuu: What's this eerie sounding snicker coming from?!
- Nightmare Jack: Ggh... Ddhh...ohhrr...
- Otsuu: You're right. I can hear it coming from inside Red Riding Hood's room. (I wonder what that snicker was about? Let me take a peek...)
(Red Riding Hood's Room)
- Red Riding Hood: Heh heh... Heh heh heh...
- Otsuu: (Yikes... She's laughing to herself. I don't think she even notices I stepped in a bit... What's that...? An altar with... a red parka on it?) Ahem... Y-You seem like you're having fun, Red Riding Hood. Did something good happen?
- Red Riding Hood: Huh? Otsuu? Since when were you in my room?
- Otsuu: Well, I heard an eerie... Uh... I heard you laughing, so I just wanted to see what's up.
- Red Riding Hood: Oh, I'm just happy, that's all. Look at it. This red parka is perfect in every way. Mmm... Just looking at it makes me happy... Heh heh heh...
- Otsuu: (She almost sounds as if she's delirious coming from the tone of her laugh...)
- Red Riding Hood: You know how we're all under a lot of pressure, and how it can really get to you, right? That's where this parka comes in. Just looking at it makes me feel happy. It soothes my soul. I gotta hand it to you for bringing it to me. I can't thank you enough for it.
- Otsuu: You're very welcome. I'm happy you like it this much. But, if you really like it, how come you're not wearing it? I'm sure you'd look good in it.
- Red Riding Hood: Now's not the time. I'm going to wear it once we escape from this place. That way I can enjoy it while I'm happy.
- Otsuu: Oh, so that's why you have it on that... um, altar?
- Red Riding Hood: It's not an altar! You're making me sound like some weirdo! I just have it propped onto a pedestal.
- Otsuu: (It sure looks like an altar to me...)
- Red Riding Hood: Heh... I can't wait for the day to come where I can wear this just for the style...
- Otsuu: Well, I'm sure it'd look cute on you. Sure wouldn't mind seeing you wearing it.
- Red Riding Hood: S-Stop it. Me, cute in it? You're making me blush.
- Otsuu: Come now, I'm sure it'd look cute on you, my cute little Red Riding Hood.
- Red Riding Hood: Hey! No teasing your elder, you hear?!