Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki

A unique mechanic. He seems to have a wide variety of speech styles that he mixes every so often. He is also one of the very few who is in the know of Blood Weapons.

—In-Game Profile

Takumi is a supporting character from Mary Skelter 2, where he serves in the Blood Factory in the stead of Haru in the New Liberated District. He's a main character in Hikari no Arika, the side novel to Mary Skelter: Nightmares.


Takumi has pale skin, curly purple hair, and eyes with thin black irises. His teeth are also noticeably pointed, and in addition to his angular eyes and eyebrows, gives him a somewhat menacing appearance, which contrasts with his actual attitude. While it is difficult to tell because of his clothes, he is seemingly well-built.

Takumi wears an orange jumpsuit, similar to a prison jumpsuit, that is half-way unzipped, revealing and black and white striped shirt, reminiscent of traditional prison attire. His jumpsuit is frayed at the ends near his black boots and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. He wears a black and orange headband around his head and has two belts hanging from the sides of the suit.


Takumi is an unusual individual, as he seems to switch up his accent and slang whenever he chooses. He carries with him a sense of bravado and speaks loudly whenever he does, seeming to enjoy the attention it brings him. Despite all this, he seems to have a cowardly streak to him and does not enjoy direct confrontation. While he is friendly and willing to help the Blood Maidens, he is ultimately looking out for himself and his own survival, sticking with the group because it is the most convenient way to do so. However, he does gain a sense of loyalty as the story goes on.

Plot Role[]

Mary Skelter 2[]

Prior to his capture, Takumi lived in or near the Liberated District and learned how to craft and improve Blood Weapons. As this is a rare skill to come across, it is likely that he was taught by Haru. It is unknown when, where, or how he was captured, with the only known information being that he was held in the City Streets.

Takumi first appears after Jack, Otsuu, and Little Mermaid fall into the Underground Cavern and after Jack becomes a Nightmare. He is in the company of Mamoru, Hikari, Itsuki, and Kaede, all humans who had fallen into the cavern as well. After joining with the Blood Maidens, they soon come upon Hameln, who chases them in her own version of tag. After they finally convince her to become her friend, she leads the group to the New Liberated District, where Takumi sets up his own Blood Weapon Factory to aid the Blood Maidens in their endeavors.

Near the end of the game, Little Mermaid breaks her microphone that allowed her to sing. Distraught, she begins to panic before Otsuu assures her that they will have it fixed and brings it to Takumi. He agrees to fix it, and succeeds in doing so after a short while, returning it in a state even better than when Little Mermaid had first received it with a working recording function. She begins to sing into the microphone, unaware that it is now recording her song. Unbeknownst to Takumi and the Blood Maidens, this recording would become extremely important later.

Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]

Chapter 8[]

Takumi doesn't appear during the main story, but he does play a part in the background. He is one of the corpses that the party finds in the Tower Base, having been killed by the Tower Base Nightmare. He is buried with some of the tools and equipment of the initial Dawn group. After a short while, the Jail resurrects these corpses, namely Mamoru, Hikari, Itsuki, Kaede, and Takumi, with the thoughts and memories of the previous group, with Takumi merging with the Chief, who was in charge of the technicians and infrastructure of the Liberated District.

Good Ending Epilogue[]

None of the resurrected humans make an appearance in this ending, as Hikari, now the Angelic Girl, states that she has put them somewhere safe. The reason for this decision is never explicitly stated, but an out of game explanation could be that the designs for the other resurrected humans hadn't been created at the time.

True Ending Epilogue[]

This can only be achieved after Little Mermaid is resurrected and Otsuu becomes a true Blood Maiden and is the only ending in which the New Liberated District humans appear together, albeit without their memories from Mary Skelter 2. Despite this, the pair and the humans hit it off and state that it is like talking to old friends.

When prompted to go to the surface, the resurrected humans are reluctant at first, as they now live similarly to Marchens, needing a core to stay near in order to survive. Despite this, they remain optimistic, and agree to join everyone on their journey to the surface.

Mary Skelter: Finale[]

A man who was born and raised in Jail itself, he once worked as part of the Dawn's arsenal division. At first glance, he may appear to be a selfish eccentric, accentuated by his chameleonic speech patterns. This occasionally makes him difficult to understand, but he is a jovial presence nonetheless.

—In-Game Profile

After the attack from Massacre Pink, Takumi manages to join Pyre's group along with Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, and Itsuki.


  • Takumi bears a striking resemblance to Kazuichi Soda from the Danganronpa series. Both have colorful hair, sharp teeth, similar eye and eyebrow shapes, and a cowardly demeanor from it comes to confrontations. Additionally, they both wear colorful jumpsuits and act as the mechanics of the group.
  • Takumi's name written in kanji can have many meanings depending on how its written:
    • Written as 匠, 巧, or 工, it means "artisan" or "skillful," referring to his job as one of a few people able to alter or craft Blood Weapons.
    • Written as 拓海 or 拓未, it means "to open the sea" or "to open the future," a clever foreshadowing of his intrinsic role in combining the two timelines.
    • Written as 巧海, it means "skillful at sea," another reference to his skill as a Blood Factory worker while keeping to the watery theme of Mary Skelter 2.