Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki

D-Don't get me wrong! I'm doing it for us sisters!


Thumbelina is a member of the Blood Maidens and one of the playable characters in Mary Skelter: Nightmares.


Thumbelina is a member of the Blood Maidens, and the eldest sister to Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. She takes pride in being the oldest in the group, often being strict with Jack and berating him. Even in times in which Jack accomplishes a task or does something meritorious, she cannot bring her self to praise him, which causes her to appear bashful at times.


Thumbelina can best be described as a "tsundere", or someone who tends to volley back and forth between a hostile front and a gentle one, particularly in regards to expressing any sort of affectionate feelings.

Her Blood Libido manifests as an inclination towards curling up in a small space for any number of reasons, from moping to fear. Commonly the former, as her tsundere personality results in her being unable to express her feelings or even end up putting her foot in her mouth.


  • Snow White and Sleeping Beauty: As the eldest of the sisters, Thumbelina feels obligated to put her best example on display for them and everyone else to see.
  • Red Riding Hood: While Red Riding Hood may have seniority as a Blood Maiden of Dawn, Thumbelina prides in being the eldest chronologically. While she doesn't butt heads with Red Riding Hood over being the Blood Team's older sister or anything like that, she won't hold her tongue for someone with seniority.
  • Jack: As the only male of the Blood Team and a valuable asset for avoiding Blood Skelter despite his lack of combat ability, Thumbelina has some mixed feelings regarding having Jack around. Most of it stems from how Jack always seems to get into the most awkward situations with the other Blood Maidens, though she gets particularly riled up when it's her or her sisters who end up in such a moment.


Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]

Often scolding or pushing Jack despite his best efforts. As she is unable to genuinely praise him, she can be fidgety at times.

—In-Game Profile

Mary Skelter: Nightmares Prologue[]

Thumbelina was the eldest of three orphaned sisters alongside Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, who were all adopted by Lady Michiru of the Order of the Sun. Later, Professor Tohjima discovered their Blood Maiden powers and recruited them into Dawn.

Chapter 2[]

Thumbelina is deployed with her sisters to a mission in the Graveyard area, but they are ambushed by a Nightmare. Thumbelina diverts the beast's attention to allow her sisters to flee, and she is captured. Before long, she is rescued by the group and joins the party.

Mary Skelter 2[]

The oldest of the three sisters, all who are Blood Maidens and carry the title of "Hitsuka." She takes great care of keeping Snow White and Sleeping Beauty safe, and thinks she's the only one who can protect them.

—In-Game Profile

Mary Skelter 2 Prologue[]

Thumbelina and her sisters were recruited for Dawn due to their Blood Maiden powers, but following accusations of Cinderella murdering Hitsuka, she decides to rejoin the Order with her sisters, eventually becoming a Hitsuka to Michiru.

Chapter 6[]

The Order of the Sun run into Mamoru and Itsuki as they were looting the ruins of the Liberated District. Thumbelina, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty arrive in the New Liberated District to ask for the help of the Blood Maidens in securing a route to the new home of the Order through the Art Alley, as foretold by Michiru. While the younger sisters are excited to see the group, Thumbelina attempts to keep the interactions professional and scolds the two. She stops them from fighting with the group, insisting that she needs to protect them.

As they travel further into the Art Alley, Thumbelina continues to be hostile towards the group, questioning Hameln as to why she couldn't just send out her familiars to do all the work and questioning Gretel as to how she could possibly know how the Jail works. As aggression increases, Little Mermaid steps in to stop the altercation from becoming a fight, but it does little to dispel the negative atmosphere.

Eventually, the Blood Maidens come across a point where only Sleeping Beauty's Blood Ability will let them pass, but Thumbelina refuses to let her perform it. In an act of defiance, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty leave the group, leaving Thumbelina alone to deal with the consequences of mistreating her sisters. Scared the two will run into the Nightmare on their own, the group runs after them. As they had feared, the two encounter the O. Nightmare, and the group has to run away from it. After they successfully do so, Thumbelina apologizes to Snow White and Sleeping Beauty and allows them to help the party.

Bad Ending[]

After the battle against the Mysterious Nightmare, it runs away and the Jail Tower begins to topple. Jack runs after the Mysterious Nightmare while the Blood Maidens quickly make their way down the tower. After they reach the bottom, the Tower finally falls, and the group looks upon the destruction, unsure of what to do next.

True Ending[]

The Sisters' Death

The Sisters' Death

After they defeat the Love Nightmare, the group is chased by the Upper Tower Nightmare, who gradually picks them off as they ascend. The three sisters split off from the group in an attempt to draw the attention of the Nightmare. Realizing that they are all exhausted and likely won't survive, they begin to reminisce about their time together. They talk about how glad they all are to have reconciled with each other before finally saying that they are both happy and proud to be fighting beside each other one last time. The Upper Tower Nightmare slaughters all three of them and moves on to the rest of the group, but before they finally perish, each sister reaches out to the other two one last time. 

Mary Skelter: Finale[]

The eldest of three sisters, she is a Blood Maiden gifted with common sense and charisma. She has some unresolved issues which can make her incapable of acknowledging her true feelings, which occasionally results in her acting coldly towards Jack. Since she was separated from her little sisters due to the attack of the Massacre Pinks, she has been concerned for their safety.

—In-Game Profile

After Massacre Pink's attack, Thumbelina joins Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and Kunai. She is worried about Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, who she lost track of during the onslaught.

Power and Abilities[]

Personal Skills[]

Blood Ability Tiny Princess

  • Tiny Princess: Allows her to shrink various items and return them to normal size. Some items work better shrunken, while consumables cannot return to regular size after being shrunk.

Character Skill

  • Dignity: Boosts party's magical damage output when last 2 digits of Thumbelina's HP are the same

Blood Soul Skill

  • B.S.Magic Guard: Reduce magical damage to your party (Nightmares)
  • B.S.Magic Guard: Temp. reduce party's magic damage received (Mary Skelter 2)

Partner Skill

  • Honey Flower: May heal partner's HP (Nightmares)
  • Honey Flower: May heal partner's SP (Mary Skelter 2)

Massacre Skills

  • Mary Skelter: Nightmares
    • Mass.Sand Shale: Minor Earth damage to all enemies
    • Mass.Sandstorm: Earth damage to all enemies
    • Mass.Grand Quake: Massive Earth damage to one enemy
    • Mass.Aerial Impact: Heavy Air damage to all enemies
    • Mass.Stun Burst: Damage with a chance of Stun to all enemies
    • Mass.Succubus: Use SP to inflict damage on one enemy
    • Mass.Darkness: High chance of Darkness to all enemies
  • Mary Skelter 2
    • Mass.Rock Blast: Heavy Earth damage to all enemies
    • Mass.Frost Burst: Damage all, high chance of Frostbite to all enemies
    • Mass.Frostbite: High chance of Frostbite to all enemies
    • Mass.Sleep: High chance of Sleep to all enemies
    • Mass.Recovery: Recover from ailments


Thumbelina has access to Magician-Style jobs, which she shares with Little Mermaid and Hameln in Mary Skelter: Nightmares.


Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]

Any gift not mentioned is liked by Thumbelina.




Mary Skelter 2[]

Mary Skelter Finale[]


  • Leader Manual
  • Sister Guide
  • Japanese Set (Furniture)


  • Grown Up Book
  • Toy Sword
  • Clean Set (Furniture)


Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]

Thumbelina Events
Name Chapter & Location Acquired Massacre Skills
Introduction Thumbelina's Room after Chapter 3
Blood Libido 1 Hallway after Chapter 3 Mass.Sandstorm
Blood Libido 2 "X17: Y07" on the 1st Floor of Dorm Mass.Darkness
Amiss Thumbelina's Room after Chapter 5 Mass.Succubus
Reconciliation Hallway after Chapter 5 Mass.Stun Burst
Up Close Rest Area after Chapter 6 Mass.Aerial Impact
Blood Maidens 1 Lobby after Chapter 6 Mass.Grand Quake
Sexy Thumbelina's Room after Chapter 5
Blood Maidens 2 Rest Area after Chapter 5
Ending Good Ending after Up Close

Mary Skelter 2[]

Thumbelina Events
Name Chapter & Location Acquired Massacre Skills
Event 1 - Introduction Thumbelina's Room after Chapter 7
Event 2 - Blood Libido 1 Front after Chapter 7
Event 3 - Blood Libido 2 Thumbelina's Room after Chapter 8 Mass.Frostbite
Event 4 - Amiss Front after Chapter 8 Mass.Frost Burst
Event 5 - Reconciliation Hallway after Chapter 8 Mass.Sleep
Event 6 - Up Close Platform after Chapter 8 Mass.Recovery
Event 7 - Blood Maidens 1 Hallway after Chapter 8
Event 8 - Blood Maidens 2 Cafeteria after the Final Chapter
Event 9 - Sexy Bathhouse after Chapter 8
Event 10 - Memoire Square after the Final Chapter. Requires item from "X23: Y24" in the 1st Floor of the Station Grounds

Mary Skelter: Finale[]

Thumbelina Events
Name Chapter & Location Acquired Massacre Skills
073 Official Introduction Toh's Room after Chapter 2 Mass.Sleep


See main article: Thumbelina/Events.


See main article: Thumbelina/Gallery.


  • Thumbelina is named after the titular character from the Danish fairy tale Thumbelina.
    • Thumbelina's Blood Ability and small stature is inspired by her fairy tale counterpart.
    • Thumbelina's capture by a Nightmare is parallel to the capture of her fairy tale counterpart by a toad.
  • Thumbelina's Death End Attire is based on Lily Hopes, a playable character in Death end re;Quest.
  • Kaede's nickname for Thumbelina is a reference to her Japanese VA, Rie Takahashi, whose position in the Earphones band is Sister Leader.
  • She shares her Japanese voice actress with Gallows.
  • Thumbelina's birthday is the 30th of July.