Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki

Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]



  • Jack: (So, this is Thumbelina's room... I'd better knock before I go in...) Um... Thumbelina...?

(Enter Thumbelina)

  • Thumbelina: You're... Hmph! What are you here?!
  • Jack: Oh, sorry... Were you busy?
  • Thumbelina: I-I didn't say that! Um, you're letting the cold air in, so just come inside!
  • Jack: O-Okay, then... Coming in...

(Thumbelina's Room)

  • Jack: (Whoa... Her room smells so good...)
  • Thumbelina: By the way, are you okay? Shouldn't you be resting or something?
  • Jack: Thanks, but I think I'm okay now. Sorry to have worried you.
  • Thumbelina: I-I wasn't worried at all! Uh, so what brings you here?
  • Jack: Oh, um... I was worried about you, too. I mean, you were captured, Thumbelina.
  • Thumbelina: Hmph! That's none of your business! I'm not some wimp, you know?
  • Jack: Oh, I see... That's good, then.
  • Thumbelina: Well, I go appreciate that you thinking about me... Um... Th-Thanks!
  • Jack: Heh... You don't need to thank me. (She's a bit rough with her words, but she's really a nice person...)
  • Thumbelina: Well, to be honest, they didn't do anything to me.
  • Jack: Huh?
  • Thumbelina: They did rough me up a bit, but they didn't exactly torture me. Guess you could call it lucky.
  • Jack: I see... (Alice and I were tortured when we were captured... What's different about her situation?)
  • Thumbelina: That aside.
  • Jack: Huh?
  • Thumbelina: If you want to apologize, you should apologize for treating me like a younger sister!
  • Jack: Oh, um... Sorry! I'll be careful next time!
  • Thumbelina: Fine... I guess I can let you go this time. Oh, and... I'm sorry I hit you...
  • Jack: Hm...? Oh, that's okay! I'm officially a member now, so, um... I hope we can get to know each other better, Thumbelina!
  • Thumbelina: Quit it with the formalities... I can tell you're not used to that kind of thing. It creeps me out!
  • Jack: Huh? Oh, okay... Well then, looking forward to working with you, Thumbelina.
  • Thumbelina: Hmph... Just so you know, we're about the same age, so I'm just going to call you "Jack," got it?
  • Jack: Oh, of course... Wait... What?! We're about the same age?! Really?!
  • Thumbelina: You're surprised about that...?
  • Jack: Uh... W-Well, not in any way that would mean something negative...
  • Thumbelina: The next time you say something strange, you're seriously gonna get it!
  • Jack: I-I'm so sorry, Thumbelina!
  • Thumbelina: Hmph! Whatever!
  • Jack: (Whew... I better watch out next time. But she's a lot friendlier than I thought.)

Blood Libido 1[]


  • Jack: (Hm? What's that sound...? Am I hearing things?) Is there anyone there?
  • ???: Meow...
  • Jack: Hey! Wait a minute...
  • ???: Meow...
  • Jack: A... cat?
  • ???: Meow...
  • Jack: (A real cat! I need to find it! And cuddle it, if possible!) Here, kitty-kitty! Where are you?
  • ???: Meow?!
  • Jack: Whoops... Maybe it's scared... Don't worry, I won't hurt you... I just want to pet you...
  • ???: Meowowowow!
  • Jack: (The cat's angry? Maybe it's not used to people. But I can't give up now...) Where are you? Don't be afraid. Come on out...
  • ???: Urrrrh! Urrrrh! Grrrr!
  • Jack: Wha-?! (The cat's trying to intimidate me? But, I know where it is now... Probably that box over there...) Are you here...?

(Enter Thumbelina)

  • Thumbelina: Aaaaagh! What is it with you?! Hurry and get out!
  • Jack: Whoa!
  • Thumbelina: And just when I was relaxing out here... You're so annoying! Just give it up already!
  • Jack: I-I'm so sorry! Hey, wait... Thumbelina?!
  • Thumbelina: Ah...
  • Jack: Oh...
  • Thumbelina: You better not tell anyone that I like being in cramped places, you hear?!
  • Jack: O-Okay!
  • Thumbelina: Tch... Well, get going!

(Exit Thumbelina)

  • Jack: Uh, okay... (I see... So she meowed, hoping I would just leave the area... But what's with her wanting to be in such a cramped space like that?)

Blood Libido 2[]

(Dorm. Heroine's Memories will show the Graveyard)

  • Thumbelina: Jack... That wound of yours... Are you sure you're okay?
  • Jack: Huh? What?
  • Thumbelina: Are you deaf?! Are you sure you're okay?! Like, you sure you're not bleeding or anything?!
  • Jack: Oh, thanks. I think I'm still okay...
  • Thumbelina: Augh! You! Come here for a moment!
  • Jack: What for?
  • Thumbelina: Just come, now!
  • Jack: O-Okay!

(Black screen fade in and out)

  • Thumbelina: Hmph! I guess this place should do.
  • Jack: Um, why are you so upset...?
  • Thumbelina: Show me your wound...
  • Jack: Huh?
  • Thumbelina: Augh! I'm telling you I'm going to treat that wound of yours! Just sit!
  • Jack: Ah, th-thanks!
  • Thumbelina: You really are too nice for your own good... You really seem more keen about others than yourself.
  • Jack: Heh, heh... Really? Ouch...!
  • Thumbelina: *sigh* You're a guy, so just bear it!
  • Jack: Th-Thanks... You really are kind, Thumbelina.
  • Thumbelina: D-Don't you take this the wrong way! Your blood is important to us, so you can't be bleeding!
  • Jack: Heh... You're right. But, thanks anyway for keeping an eye out for me. (She may be abrasive, but she really is kind...)
  • Thumbelina: Hmph! Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere!
  • Jack: Heh, heh... Sorry. By the way, do you mind I ask you a question?
  • Thumbelina: What is it?
  • Jack: Um... Why are we in such a narrow place...?
  • Thumbelina: W-Well...
  • Jack: Oh, that's right... I forgot that you told me you like cramped places...

(White Flash)

  • Thumbelina: I told you not to tell anyone, you idiot! We're done here, so let's get going!
  • Jack: O-Okay... (But, I didn't tell anyone...)



  • Thumbelina: *sigh*

(Thumbelina's Room)

  • Jack: Thumbelina? What's the matter?
  • Thumbelina: ...! Oh, it's just you... What is it?
  • Jack: Oh, um... I was just passing by, and I heard you sighing, so...
  • Thumbelina: That's it? Wow, you really are too nice for your own good...
  • Jack: Did something happen?
  • Thumbelina: ... My two younger sisters told me that I worry too much...
  • Jack: Two...? Oh, you mean Snow White and Sleeping Beauty?
  • Thumbelina: I only wanted to support them like I used to when we were all little...
  • Jack: I see...
  • Thumbelina: I guess that's just too much for them now. Seems like I was doing it for nothing. Lame...
  • Jack: I don't think that's true...
  • Thumbelina: What do you think I should do?
  • Jack: Huh?
  • Thumbelina: I'm just kidding... No use talking to you about it...
  • Jack: (She must have been keeping up a front to do her best as the eldest... But I bet those two just wanted to tell her not to overdo it...) Um... I don't think you really need to do anything.
  • Thumbelina: Huh?
  • Jack: Um... I don't think they dislike you or anything. Just that they didn't want you to push yourself.
  • Thumbelina: What do you know?
  • Jack: Huh? Um, well, I don't know, but...
  • Thumbelina: You're lucky everyone relies on you, unlike me!
  • Jack: Wh-Where did that come from?! I just think they were thinking of you, and...
  • Thumbelina: Fine! I'm not reliable! But... But I still...
  • Jack: That's not true! You're...
  • Thumbelina: Nevermind already... Just leave...
  • Jack: Huh? But...
  • Thumbelina: Fine! I'll leave! You stupid idiot! I don't care anymore!
  • Jack: Thumbelina?!

(Exit Thumbelina)

  • Jack: (I was just trying to console her... I guess I just hurt her more... Why am I always like this? I need to apologize to her later.)

(Hallway, Thumbelina)

  • Thumbelina: *sigh* Dang it! Why did I say that?! He was just worried about me... I know that, but... I'm so stupid...



  • Thumbelina: Ah...
  • Jack: Oh, um, Thumbelina...
  • Thumbelina: Wh-What are you doing here?!
  • Jack: Uh, well... I was just passing by...
  • Thumbelina: Oh, I see...
  • Jack: (I wonder if she's still feeling down about what happened before. I have to apologize to her...)
  • Thumbelina: Um... About last time... That was my bad...
  • Jack: Huh?
  • Thumbelina: I just lost it, and... Um... I'm sorry...
  • Jack: (It's so awkward seeing her apologize like that... Well, at least she's not angry anymore...) No, I'm sorry for not thinking more about your feelings before...
  • Thumbelina: I think... I was envious of you...
  • Jack: Huh?
  • Thumbelina: You keep worrying about everyone, even as you're losing your blood... Everyone... needs you.
  • Jack: R-Really...?
  • Thumbelina: You're someone that everyone needs...
  • Jack: But that's...
  • Thumbelina: That's why I felt lonely when you told me that I didn't need to do anything...
  • Jack: B-But I wasn't...!
  • Thumbelina: Don't worry... I understand. I know you weren't trying to hurt anyone...
  • Jack: Okay...
  • Thumbelina: I wanted my younger sisters to depend on me, so I must have been too pushy with them...
  • Jack: (I can relate... Sometimes I feel like that's what I'm doing, too...) I felt like that when I first came here... I was trying to find a way to make myself useful...
  • Thumbelina: I see...
  • Jack: I know! Why don't you give your sisters a gift?
  • Thumbelina: A gift...?
  • Jack: Yeah! I'm sure that would make them happy!
  • Thumbelina: I see...! Okay, then I'm going to need you help me out, too!
  • Jack: H-Help...? What do you mean by that?
  • Thumbelina: I, uh... I'll tell you later!
  • Jack: (Wh-What is she planning?)
  • Thumbelina: Oh, and...
  • Jack: Hm?
  • Thumbelina: Um... Thanks... See you later!

(Exit Thumbelina)

  • Jack: Huh? Uh, okay! (That's the first time I've seen her smile like that... At least she looks happy now.)

Up Close[]

(Rest Area)

  • Thumbelina: Urrh... This isn't right...
  • Jack: (Thumbelina? What's she doing? It looks like... she's making something?)
  • Thumbelina: Augh! What's with all these steps?! I don't have enough ingredients, either!
  • Jack: Wh-What's the matter, Thumbelina?
  • Thumbelina: J-Jack?! It's nothing! I'm not baking cookies or anything!
  • Jack: C-Cookies? Why are you baking cookies?
  • Thumbelina: Ah... I-It's none of your business!
  • Jack: Wait... Are you making them for the gift we talked about before?
  • Thumbelina: Um... Y-Yes. You've got a problem with that?! I figured Snow White and Sleepy would like them...
  • Jack: (So that's why she was so focused...)
  • Thumbelina: I got the recipe and appliances from Gretel, but I didn't expect it to be this hard!
  • Jack: Gathering all the ingredients is difficult, so I'm sure they'll be happy regardless!
  • Thumbelina: D-Do you think so? I just wanted to have a small get-together to celebrate all we've been through.
  • Jack: What do you mean by that?
  • Thumbelina: We've never celebrated birthdays or anything, but I figured we could do something similar.
  • Jack: I see... (Come to think of it, I don't think I know when my birthday is, either...) You want some help?
  • Thumbelina: Huh...? Hmph! I'm fine! I don't need your help! You don't trust me or what?!
  • Jack: Uh, that's not it, but... I'm sorry! (I have to admit, I am a little worried...)
  • Thumbelina: I appreciate the thought, but I need to do this myself!
  • Jack: (Guess she really is serious about it...) I see... Well, you don't mind if I stay here, do you? I just want to see the results.
  • Thumbelina: Hmph! Fine! Suit yourself! But you're gonna get it if you get in my way!
  • Jack: Uh... Okay.

(Black screen fade in and out)

  • Thumbelina: I-I'm done! I did it, Jack! It's the best batch I've made yet!
  • Jack: Great! Congrats!
  • Thumbelina: Hah! Of course I'm great! Nothing to it! Now then, time to go and give them my cookies!
  • Jack: Nice! Well, good luck!
  • Thumbelina: Oh, um... D-Do you... want to come, too?
  • Jack: Huh? But...
  • Thumbelina: You did come up with the idea of giving them a gift, so... I'll let you come with me this time!
  • Jack: Th-Thanks... But, this is a special occasion for you three, so you should go by yourself.
  • Thumbelina: Um... Thanks! Well, just be happy knowing I appreciate all you did!
  • Jack: Haha... Thanks.
  • Thumbelina: Okay! I'm going!
  • Jack: See you!

(Exit Thumbelina, Jack's Room)

  • Jack: (I hope they're enjoying their time together.)

(Enter Thumbelina)

  • Thumbelina: Jack, you there?
  • Jack: Thumbelina...? So, how was it? Did they enjoy it?
  • Thumbelina: Well, of course... They were ecstatic!
  • Jack: That's good to hear! So how come you look so pale...?
  • Thumbelina: I-It's nothing... I'm just... tired.
  • Jack: Th-Thumbelina?!
  • Thumbelina: I feel a little dizzy now... You don't mind me borrowing you, do you?
  • Jack: (Her nerves must have been off the charts...) You did good, Thumbelina...
  • Thumbelina: S-Stop touching my head!
  • Jack: Oh, uh... I'm sorry...
  • Thumbelina: Hmph! Well, I guess I can let you off easy this time...
  • Jack: Heh... Thanks.
  • Thumbelina: You don't need to thank me. It's not like you're getting anything...
  • Jack: I guess...

Blood Maidens 1[]


  • Jack: (Hm? What are those three doing there?)
  • Thumbelina: Huh? What the...? You want me to teach you how to bake cookies?
  • Snow White: Yes! We wanted to return our thanks to you, dear sister.
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Yup... I wanna... give you a gift...
  • Thumbelina: Mmm... Well, it's not like I'm a master at it or anything...
  • Snow White: That's not true! The cookies were very delicious!
  • Thumbelina: R-Really? Well, I guess I can show you how to bake them next time.
  • Snow White: Really? Isn't that nice, Sleepy?
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Yup...
  • Thumbelina: I know! Why don't we make cookies for everyone? It'll be good training for us!
  • Snow White: That's a lovely plan!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...
  • Thumbelina: All right then! Let's go and get the ingredients!
  • Snow White: Yes, let's go!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...!
  • Jack: (She may be rough at times, but she's really kind to her sisters...)
  • Snow White: Oh, but what should we do if they don't turn out well? We can't give them to someone else...
  • Sleeping Beauty: Waste to throw away...
  • Thumbelina: No problem! We'll just give them to Jack! He's a guy, so I'm sure he'll eat anything!
  • Snow White: That also sounds like a plan!
  • Jack: (I'll just assume I didn't hear anything. She'll get mad if she finds out I overheard...)


(Thumbelina's Room)

  • Thumbelina: Snow White, I'm fine! I can do it myself.
  • Snow White: No, dear sister! This is your first time wearing one, so Snow White will help!
  • Thumbelina: What's the big deal...? It's just a bra... And you know, I'm the older one here...
  • Snow White: Big deal?! It is a big deal! Let's measure you first!
  • Thumbelina: Huh? What the...?! Just let me share whatever you're wearing!
  • Snow White: I hate to say this, but... I think my bras are... a bit too big for you.
  • Thumbelina: Wha-?! Hey! That's not true! Hand it over!
  • Snow White: Wha-?! Dear sister, that's...

(Black Screen)

  • Snow White: Yikes! P-Please stop...! Aah...! No... Please don't...!
First Try
  • Thumbelina: *huff* *huff* Yes! Got it!
  • Snow White: I can't believe you took it off...
  • Thumbelina: Heh, heh! I'm sorry. But just you watch! It's going to fit me... perfectly... ...
  • Snow White: Oh, my... See? It's way too big for you.
  • Thumbelina: It... It can't be... I'm supposed to be the older one... This can't be happening...
  • Snow White: It's fine, dear sister! You just need to find one that fits you! I mean, your shape is just right?
  • Thumbelina: *sob* R-Really...?
  • Snow White: Yes! But, the right size is important. let me take your measurements, okay?
  • Thumbelina: I-I guess you're right! I'm counting on you, Snow White!
  • Snow White: Yes! Now then, stay still... Let me get this around you...
  • Thumbelina: O-Okay... Yikes! H-Hey! Th-That tickles!
  • Snow White: Just a little more... I'll be done soon, so please bear with me.

(Enter Jack)

  • Jack: I'm sorry for being late, Thumbelina! I brought what you... asked... for...? ...
  • Snow White: Um...
  • Thumbelina: Huh...? Aaaaaaaaaaah!
  • Jack: Aaaaaaaaaaah! I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know you were...!
  • Snow White: D-Dear sister! P-Please! Your clothes! Jack! Look away, now!

(Exit Still)

  • Thumbelina: And... how much longer are you going to be standing there like that?
  • Jack: Huh? Um, well... Oh, I know! Let me leave what you asked for over here...
  • Thumbelina: Just get out, now!
  • Jack: Aaaaaaaaaaah!

Blood Maidens 2[]

(Rest Area)

  • Thumbelina: Ouch...! Dang it...
  • Snow White: What's the matter, dear sister? Are you okay?
  • Thumbelina: Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I just can't seem to get used to that tight feeling around my chest...
  • Snow White: Oh, you're talking about that... It just takes a while to get used to.
  • Thumbelina: Are you sure about that...?
  • Alice: What's the matter, Thumbelina? Are you hurt?
  • Thumbelina: Oh, Alice... Um, it's nothing!
  • Alice: Really? I overheard something about your chest feeling tight...
  • Thumbelina: It's really nothing! S-See? Everything's fine!
  • Alice: Well, if you say so...
  • Snow White: Psst... Alice?
  • Alice: What is it?
  • Snow White: Um, well... My sister just started wearing a bra recently...
  • Alice: A bra...? Thumbelina...?!
  • Snow White: Yes, and... it seems like she's not used to the band yet...
  • Alice: I-I don't believe it... I'm not wearing one, and she's already...
  • Snow White: Huh?
  • Alice: Can I ask you something, Thumbelina?
  • Thumbelina: Huh? Wh-What is it? You look so serious...
  • Alice: I heard you... started wearing bras...
  • Snow White: Um... Alice? That's a bit too straightforward, isn't it?
  • Thumbelina: Wha-?! What's it to you?! I can wear whatever I want, you know?!
  • Alice: Why yes, but... Do you mind if I... confirm?
  • Thumbelina: Huh?!
  • Alice: Don't worry. It'll be quick. I just need to feel it a bit...
  • Thumbelina: Wh-What in the world are you saying?! W-What's with those hands of yours?! Stop it!
  • Alice: How did hers get so big? Maybe it's my nutritional intake...
  • Thumbelina: She's not listening?!
  • Alice: I'm growing too, but... That's right... I don't need to worry... I just need to confirm...
  • Thumbelina: Eek! Now you're freaking me out! H-Hey wait! T-Touching me isn't going to do any good!
  • Alice: No... It will do good...
  • Snow White: A-Alice! P-Please! Calm down! Alice!
  • Thumbelina: Eep!

(Hallway, Enter Jack)

  • Jack: (Well, there goes me going to the cafeteria. If I heard right, I wouldn't dare step inside now... That was a close call... Who knows what would've happened if I got here earlier...)

(Enter Thumbelina)

  • Thumbelina: Whew... Finally... Got away... What was that about? Um... Jack? What are you going here?
  • Jack: Whoa! Th-Thumbelina?! Oh, um... I wasn't doing anything, really.
  • Thumbelina: D-Don't tell me...
  • Jack: Huh?
  • Thumbelina: You... overheard that, didn't you?
  • Jack: Um, uh... I don't know what you're talking about. I was... just passing by!
  • Thumbelina: I see... If you heard anything, forget it. All of it... Or else, you may lose your life...
  • Jack: Huh?!
  • Thumbelina: Lighten up. It's just... a joke.
  • Jack: (S-She sure doesn't look like she was joking!)


(Jail Tower Ruins)

  • Jack: *huff* *huff* We made it...?
  • Thumbelina: I-I'm still alive?
  • Jack: Thumbelina! Thank goodness you're safe!
  • Thumbelina: I-I guess... So, we're finally done...
  • Jack: Yeah...
  • Thumbelina: Wait a sec... Jack!
  • Jack: Y-Yes?!
  • Thumbelina: That was way too risky! I can't believe you used your Mary Gun like that!
  • Jack: I-I'm sorry! But, that was about all I could do...
  • Thumbelina: Well, maybe, but... I-In any case, you had me worried there! Stupid!
  • Jack: Thumbelina...
  • Thumbelina: But, um... Th-Thanks... I really appreciate what you did... I'm just glad you're safe...
  • Jack: I'm glad that you're safe, too...
  • Thumbelina: It isn't like me to be like this. I can't seem to keep it together when you're around, you know?!
  • Jack: That isn't true... I think you're no different now than usual, Thumbelina.
  • Thumbelina: Y-You think so...?
  • Jack: You've supported me all this time, and I know you cared about me, too...
  • Thumbelina: Heh... Now I remember... Back when we first met, you mistook me for the youngest sister.
  • Jack: Heh... I'm sorry about that. But it dawned on me afterward how dependable you really are.
  • Thumbelina: Well, um... I think you helped me a lot, too... You know, just like what happened here...
  • Jack: Thumbelina...
  • Thumbelina: S-So, um... I know this story ended, but... I want you to be with me for...
  • Jack: Huh...?
  • Red Riding Hood: Heeey! Jack! Thumby!
  • Snow White: Sister Thumbelina!
  • Jack: Hey... Everyone, over here!
  • Thumbelina: Looks like everyone made it...
  • Jack: Uh, sorry! What was it you were saying, Thumbelina?
  • Thumbelina: Huh? Um... Well... I want to be...
  • Jack: Huh?
  • Thumbelina: Aaaugh! I just said that I want us to stay friends, got that?! What a dolt!
  • Jack: Oh, um... Okay, sure. We'll always be together.
  • Thumbelina: Wha-?! Hmph...! W-Well I guess if that's what you want, then... Um... Th-Thanks, Jack.
  • Jack: Thumbelina...
  • Thumbelina: Wh-What now?!
  • Jack: The Jail's story ended, but our story... Our new story is about to begin.
  • Thumbelina: Heh, heh! You're right! It's time for us to get writing!

Mary Skelter 2[]

Event 1 - Introduction[]


  • Otsuu: Thumbelina, it's me. Do you mind if I come in?
  • Thumbelina: Otsuu? Sure, come on in.

(Thumbelina's Room)

  • Otsuu: Coming in...
  • Thumbelina: What's the matter? Is there something you need?
  • Otsuu: Nothing in particular. I just stopped by since I happened to be around.
  • Thumbelina: Okay... Well, perfect timing.
  • Otsuu: For what?
  • Thumbelina: For something I wanted to say to you.
  • Otsuu: Now that's unusual, you wanting to speak with me.
  • Thumbelina: Is that supposed to be sarcastic?
  • Otsuu: Not at all. I'm actually quite honored. So, what is it that you wanted to say?
  • Thumbelina: W-Well...
  • Otsuu: Hm?
  • Thumbelina: I-I'm sorry about the last time!
  • Otsuu: Last time? (Is it about what happened at the Art Alley area?)
  • Thumbelina: I know I wasn't in the best condition, but still, I spoke too harsh to you then...
  • Otsuu: ...
  • Thumbelina: Y-You have nothing to say?
  • Otsuu: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just taken aback that you would apologize to me like this.
  • Thumbelina: Why you...
  • Otsuu: But, now I know that you're finally the Thumbelina that I used to know.
  • Thumbelina: What do you mean by that?
  • Otsuu: You were always the brash type, but you were never suspicious of things like that.
  • Thumbelina: ...
  • Otsuu: Tell me what happened.
  • Thumbelina: Sorry, but I can't talk to you much about what happened yet... I want to trust you, but...
  • Otsuu: Even though it's gone, I am still a member of Dawn, right?
  • Thumbelina: I'm sorry... So many things happened in the Order after Chiaki's passing. I'll talk a bit more on it once I can get my mind settled.
  • Otsuu: (Which means that she doesn't want me to ask her any further...) No problem. I can wait.
  • Thumbelina: Thank you.
  • Otsuu: ...
  • Thumbelina: What's the matter?
  • Otsuu: Huh?! Oh, um... (I'm not used to seeing her apologize so often... She's taking me off guard.) By the way, how do you like everyone here? Pretty interesting crew, isn't it?
  • Thumbelina: Interesting is an understatement.
  • Otsuu: Heh...
  • Thumbelina: I can at least say that they're a reliable bunch.
  • Otsuu: Is that so?
  • Thumbelina: I don't have the smarts that Gretel does. When it comes to sheer strength Hameln is top-notch. Too bad she's a bit loose on the top.
  • Otsuu: Heh...
  • Thumbelina: She also reminds me a bit of sister Red.
  • Otsuu: Hameln is straightforward, and always helps her friends. Those qualities remind me of sister Red.
  • Thumbelina: And...
  • Otsuu: And?
  • Thumbelina: I know I just said I can't fully trust you, but... I'm just happy that nothing has changed with you and Little Mermaid.
  • Otsuu: I see.
  • Thumbelina: ...
  • Otsuu: I promise you that I won't change, ever. I also promise you that I will win your trust.
  • Thumbelina: Y-You better keep that promise! Make me trust you, you hear?

Event 2 - Blood Libido 1[]


  • Otsuu: (Is that... Thumbelina? Who is she with? Is it someone we saved the last time?)
  • Thumbelina: Don't worry. The sun always looks over us. As with its warm light, you too seek solace and peace as you wait for the coming.
  • Female Newcomer: Thank you very much. I will do my best to see the sun once again.

(Exit Female Newcomer)

  • Thumbelina: Whew...
  • Otsuu: Thumbelina...?
  • Thumbelina: Whoa?! Y-You saw that?!
  • Otsuu: Um, yes...
  • Thumbelina: She wanted to join the Order, so after giving her our teachings, I was going to show her around.
  • Otsuu: I see. Sorry to surprise you like this.
  • Thumbelina: I don't mind, but next time let me know you're here.
  • Otsuu: Well, I wasn't sure if I could bother you. After all, you weren't acting like yourself there.
  • Thumbelina: Hmph... I bet you thought I was out of place there.
  • Otsuu: Not at all.
  • Thumbelina: It can't be helped. I have roles here, and I can't be acting like how I usually do.
  • Otsuu: I see. It must be quite tiring.
  • Thumbelina: Honestly, I'm still not used to this. In a way, it's easier fighting Marchens. Then again, it's not that I don't like doing this as long as it helps everyone here. Fighting Marchens isn't everything. The Order made me see that there are other ways to help.
  • Otsuu: Fighting Marchens isn't everything...
  • Thumbelina: Oh and Lady Oohime... I guess I can call her "Michiru" in front of you. It also helps to know that Michiru's words almost always come true...
  • Otsuu: I haven't thought about it before, but are her omens that accurate?
  • Thumbelina: I'm not surprised you asked. We were able to get away from that Nightmare because of Michiru. Michiru was acting really wried a short while before the Nightmare struck.
  • Otsuu: Michiru was acting weird?
  • Thumbelina: She was pale, shaking, and scared out of her wits. It was then she asked that we all leave the area. But it was too late... We simply didn't have time to help everyone in the Liberated District.
  • Otsuu: It isn't your fault.
  • Thumbelina: I guess so... But, we could have helped...
  • Otsuu: You may be thinking that you weren't able to save them, but if so, you got it all wrong. You were able to save the Order. Everyone there is alive now. That's a fact. Wanting to save everyone, and wishing you could've done more will hurt you more than anything.
  • Thumbelina: I suppose... We sisters made it out alive, so we're going to have to become the beacon of hope for the survivors.
  • Otsuu: I'm sure all will go well the next time. We'll make sure we save everyone.
  • Thumbelina: I guess we'll just have to each do our best.
  • Otsuu: Of course. I'm counting on you, Thumbelina.
  • Thumbelina: Uh... H-Hmph! I guess I can do my best, just for you!
  • Otsuu: Heh... (A beacon of hope... I guess being in the Order changed her in a number of ways...)

Event 3 - Blood Libido 2[]


  • Otsuu: (I wonder what Thumbelina and the girls went through. I think I'll talk with her again. If that won't work, then I'll just have to wait until she's ready.)
  • Thumbelina: Who is it?
  • Otsuu: It's me. Do you mind I come in?
  • Thumbelina: Otsuu? Sure, come on in.

(Thumbelina's Room)

  • Otsuu: Hi there, Thumbelina. Sorry to barge in all of a sudden.
  • Thumbelina: No problem. So, what is it?
  • Otsuu: I recall we didn't talk much about what happened after you joined the Order.
  • Thumbelina: ...
  • Otsuu: You said you'd talk about it once your mind was settled, right?
  • Thumbelina: I sure did...
  • Otsuu: I know it's a bit brash that I ask about it like this. But, I wanted to hear what you had to say.
  • Thumbelina: ...
  • Otsuu: Too early?
  • Thumbelina: Fine... I guess I can talk.
  • Otsuu: Thank you, Thumbelina...
  • Thumbelina: Just for the record, it isn't because I trust you, got it?! Sure you may still be under Dawn, but... you're a comrade in battle and... Um... Oh, right! It's just my way of showing you respect!
  • Otsuu: Sure, whatever you say. You're free to take your time finding trust in me.
  • Thumbelina: Hmph... Now then, where to start...? Let's see... So, everything started with Chiaki's death...
  • Otsuu: ...
  • Thumbelina: With his passing, the Order went into chaos. Some even sought to kill Michiru amid the confusion. But, you know Michiru... The situation didn't even phase her... I was worried as heck. Michiru is like family to me. There's no way I would leave her alone.
  • Otsuu: Why didn't you discuss it with the professor or the others in Dawn?
  • Thumbelina: I did! I talked with the professor. You want to know what he said?
  • Otsuu: ...
  • Thumbelina: He said that we shouldn't get involved with the Order of the Sun any more. Like I'd listen to that! The Order raised me there! He knows that and he still told me to turn a blind eye... He told me to let go of my home...
  • Otsuu: So you left Dawn.
  • Thumbelina: The biggest reason why I left was because I thought Cinderella killed him. I thought she spat on my trust, and destroyed the Order...
  • Otsuu: ...
  • Thumbelina: It felt like everyone I trusted went against me. I thought that Dawn wasn't the place for me, which is why us sisters returned to the Order.
  • Otsuu: I see...
  • Thumbelina: It was tough. Michiru suddenly appointed each one of us to be the next Hitsuka. I know I'm not the type to lead people, but then again, we needed to bring peace back to the Order. It was tiring trying to hold a front worthy of a Hitsuka. We also had to help Michiru, especially with how nonchalant she was with what was happening.
  • Otsuu: Ah, that I can imagine...
  • Thumbelina: Then we had a bunch of guys who tried to dethrone Michiru as the leader of the Order. Some started to pester us sisters because they didn't like us. You can't imagine what I had to do to get rid of them. I used dirty tactics that I'm not proud of.
  • Otsuu: I guess you went through a lot.
  • Thumbelina: Well, I know my means weren't the best, but I really didn't have much of an option...
  • Otsuu: Oh, stop it. There's no need to be so down on yourself. You did what you could for everyone.
  • Thumbelina: Otsuu...
  • Otsuu: Dawn is no more. There's no one you need to apologize to. We're all working off a clean slate now.
  • Thumbelina: Thank you, Otsuu...
  • Otsuu: No need to thank me. (Despite her words, I'm sure there's a lot of confusion still among those in the Order. With many dead, anger, hatred, and sorrow still runs through their group. Maybe things wouldn't be how it is if Hitsuka was still alive...)

Event 4 - Amiss[]


  • Thumbelina: Like I always say, be careful and always be on the lookout for potential trouble!
  • Snow White: I-I'm sorry...
  • Otsuu: That voice...
  • Little Mermaid: Is it Thumby and Snow White?
  • Otsuu: It sure doesn't look like they're having a casual talk there...
  • Little Mermaid: Let's go!
  • Otsuu: Got it!
  • Thumbelina: That was dangerous! You never know what can happen, do always keep your guard up!
  • Snow White: ...
  • Sleeping Beauty: Sister Thumbelina... Snow White is... sorry... Please... Enough...
  • Little Mermaid: Looks like Sleepy was here, too.
  • Otsuu: What's going on?
  • Snow White: Well...
  • Thumbelina: Snow White was about to be framed by an advocate of the first Hitsuka.
  • Otsuu: Framed?
  • Little Mermaid: Advocate of the first Hitsuka?
  • Snow White: There's a number of followers who say that we're not fit to be a Hitsuka...
  • Thumbelina: To word it bluntly, they don't like the idea we were assigned as a Hitsuka.
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Yup...
  • Otsuu: So, what did this follower do?
  • Thumbelina: He asked Snow White about Michiru, while faking that he didn't know about him.
  • Otsuu: And...?
  • Thumbelina: Snow White answered saying that Michiru was a very Michiru was a very mysterious person.
  • Little Mermaid: What's the problem with that?
  • Sleeping Beauty: It isn't wrong... but... can't... say that...
  • Thumbelina: Some of the followers say that we should treat Michiru as an icon, not like someone close to us. What's fresh is that the same guy came and used Snow White's words to cause a bit of a ruckus.
  • Snow White: That's where sister Thumbelina came in to help calm the situation.
  • Otsuu: That's pretty pathetic.
  • Thumbelina: Right?! But even if they try to cause a stir, we need to act our roles as Hitsuka... That's why I was telling them to be careful of what they do and say. Don't trust anyone coming near you, and never show any weakness that they can use, got it?!
  • Snow White: Yes...
  • Thumbelina: And you, Sleepy! You too! If you noticed what was happening go in to help Snow White!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...
  • Thumbelina: You need to speak up in order to make others listen to you.
  • Sleeping Beauty: I'm... sorry...
  • Snow White: P-Please don't go so hard on Sleepy...! She did what she could to help! Snow White is the one to blame!
  • Thumbelina: I'm not talking about who was at fault!
  • Snow White: A-And, not all the followers are like that! There are plenty who say they were saved after talking with us!
  • Thumbelina: That's Michiru's job. You're only going to get in her way if you can't properly control yourself. Anyone saying that they were saved has got to be lying, and...
  • Snow White: *sob*
  • Little Mermaid: Thumby!
  • Thumbelina: Oh, uh... That's not what I...
  • Snow White: *sob*

(Exit Snow White)

  • Sleeping Beauty: Sister Thumbelina... is right... But... so sad...

(Exit Sleeping Beauty)

  • Little Mermaid: That was a bit too harsh there, Thumby.
  • Thumbelina: I know... That was horrible... Heh... I guess that might have put the nail in the coffin for us sisters.
  • Little Mermaid: That's not true! I'm sure everything will be back to normal if you apologize.
  • Thumbelina: It's no use... We've been hurting each other like this all along. It's all over this time... I guess this may have been for the best. We were each getting in our way of being a Hitsuka. We should go our own separate ways...
  • Otsuu: Thumbelina...
  • Little Mermaid: Thumby...
  • Rapunzel: What'cha doing?
  • Otsuu: Rapunzel?
  • Rapunzel: Snow White and Sleepy was crying.
  • Little Mermaid: Um, well, they had a bit of an argument, that's all.
  • Rapunzel: Why, Thumby?
  • Otsuu: Rapunzel...?
  • Rapunzel: Thumby said to Rapunzel that you need say feelings.
  • Thumbelina: Well...
  • Rapunzel: Say sorry if you did bad, and make friends again after sorry.
  • Thumbelina: ...
  • Rapunzel: How come Thumby no say sorry? Was that lie, Thumby?
  • Thumbelina: ...!
  • Otsuu: Rapunzel's right.
  • Thumbelina: Otsuu...
  • Otsuu: Wanting to fill the role of a Hitsuka, and wanting to apologize are you honest feelings, right? Well then, why don't you talk with them how you really feel?
  • Thumbelina: ... I guess you're right... Thank you, Rappy. Thanks, Otsuu, Little Mermaid... Let me go and talk to them.
  • Little Mermaid: Thank goodness...
  • Otsuu: Yes, and it's all because of Rapunzel.
  • Rapunzel: Hm?

Event 5 - Reconciliation[]

(Hallway, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty briefly shown, shifts to Thumbelina)

  • Thumbelina: *sigh* I can't seem to find the right time to talk with them... What am I supposed to say anyway?
  • Otsuu: What are you waiting for?
  • Thumbelina: Eep!
  • Otsuu: Eep?
  • Thumbelina: Oh, uh...! N-Never mind what I said! Y-You should really stop talking from behind like that!
  • Otsuu: Well, just for the record, I was here the whole time...
  • Thumbelina: Then you should tell me that you're here!
  • Otsuu: You're confusing me... Do you want me to tell you or not tell you I'm here? Anyhow, you have to stop making excuses. You need to take the first step approaching them.
  • Thumbelina: Urh...
  • Otsuu: I think it's okay to act based on your emotions, especially if it is for your loved ones.
  • Thumbelina: ... You're right... Thanks! Here I go!

(Exit Thumbelina)

  • Otsuu: (Guess it takes a good old nudge to get her going...)

(Exit Otsuu, enter Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Thumbelina)

  • Snow White: Oh, sister Thumbelina...
  • Sleeping Beauty: ...
  • Thumbelina: I-I'm sorry about...
  • Snow White: I'm sorry about the last time!
  • Thumbelina: Huh?
  • Sleeping Beauty: Me too... Sorry...
  • Thumbelina: Wh-What the...? Why are you two...?
  • Snow White: I knew you were only trying to help us, but we spoke out against you.
  • Sleeping Beauty: I'm sorry... I don't speak up... so... I always cause... problems...
  • Thumbelina: You're not the ones to apologize. I know you're both kind and always try to do your best.
  • Snow White: S-Sister Thumbelina...
  • Sleeping Beauty: ...
  • Thumbelina: I'm the one at fault here... I pushed my own insecurity of the future onto you two... I can't believe I said I'd protect you two, when I'm the one who hurt you both...
  • Snow White: That's not true! We're here only because you were with us!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...! Yup...!
  • Snow White: So please, don't try to burden everything by yourself.
  • Thumbelina: Snow White... Sleepy... I'm sorry... I think I was pushing everyone and even myself too hard... It felt as if I was surrounded by enemies, ever since I heard Cinderella killed Chii... I was simply using his followers as an excuse. I was just scared of trusting anyone... The only ones I could trust were you girls and Michiru. So what you heard back then was just me lashing out. I was just irritated that you two were so open and believing of others... What a loser... I wouldn't be surprised if you both hated me by now.
  • Snow White: That's not true! We love you no different from before!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...! Yup...!
  • Thumbelina: But... I said so many horrible things to you...
  • Snow White: It's only common that people say a bit too much at times.
  • Sleeping Beauty: You always... say things... because you... cared... We love you... just the same...
  • Thumbelina: Snow White...! Sleepy...!
  • Snow White: We made a lot of mistakes and have done our worth of horrible deeds. In fact, we always were reliant on you, not doing anything ourselves...
  • Sleeping Beauty: We were... concerned... that we weren't... helping you... at all...
  • Snow White: I think we all were thinking the same, and it just happened that we didn't communicate well enough.
  • Thumbelina: You're right...
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Yup...

(Shift to Otsuu)

  • Otsuu: (Looks like I don't need to intervene here... I better leave them be. They're sisters, so they know what to do...)

Event 6 - Up Close[]


  • Little Mermaid: Ah...
  • Otsuu: What's the matter, Princess?
  • Little Mermaid: Look over there.
  • Otsuu: Hm? Looks like it's the Thumbelina sisters and... Rapunzel?

(Shift to Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Thumbelina, and Snow White)

  • Sleeping Beauty: Rappy... So warm... Feel so good...
  • Rapunzel: Heh heh... Sleepy so soft...
  • Thumbelina: C'mon girls... How much longer do I have to wait here?
  • Snow White: Well, it does feel good to hug Sleepy.
  • Thumbelina: It's like they're appraising each other about how comfy they are... Look who's here...

(Shift to Otsuu, Little Mermaid, and Thumbelina)

  • Thumbelina: Why don't you come here?
  • Otsuu: Well, we didn't want to bother you folk.
  • Thumbelina: Bother? Not at all.
  • Little Mermaid: Thank goodness... It looks like you sisters are back together again.
  • Thumbelina: Well, yes... And, it's because Otsuu gave me the courage to go and speak with them. Thanks...
  • Otsuu: I'm not sure what you're talking about. All I did back then was eavesdrop on you.
  • Thumbelina: I-I'm trying to praise you here, so just take it! Sheez! Okay, let me rephrase it... I owe you one, got that?!
  • Otsuu: Sure, I'll be waiting.
  • Little Mermaid: Looks like you had a load come off your back. You're a lot like how you were before.
  • Thumbelina: You think? Not that I can tell myself, really.
  • Little Mermaid: Oh, but don't try to burden yourself again, you hear?
  • Thumbelina: Hmph, you don't need to tell me that. If anything happens, I'm gonna be relying on my sisters.
  • Otsuu: You can rely on us too, you know?
  • Thumbelina: J-Just because you helped this once doesn't mean I'm gonna trust you, you hear?! But... if you have anything you need from us, be sure you come and ask, got it?!
  • Otsuu: Understood. After all, you did say you owe me one, right?
  • Thumbelina: Urrh...
  • Little Mermaid: Heh heh, you're just like how you were before. No doubt about that.
  • Thumbelina: You've got that wrong.
  • Little Mermaid: Huh? Really?
  • Thumbelina: We're more of a friend than ever before.
  • Little Mermaid: Oh...! You're right!
  • Otsuu: Yes, I like how we are now more than how we were before, that's for sure.

Event 7 - Blood Maidens 1[]


  • Little Mermaid: So, you were going to the cafeteria to get some snacks, was it?
  • Thumbelina: I know I'm a sucker, but it's hard to push back against Rappy and Sleepy...
  • Little Mermaid: I can't blame you. Those two are so adorable that I wouldn't mind doing things for them.
  • Thumbelina: You're like that to anyone...
  • Little Mermaid: R-Really?
  • Otsuu: ...
  • Thumbelina: That aside... Why the silence, Otsuu?
  • Otsuu: Mmm... I knew it...
  • Thumbelina: "I knew" what?
  • Otsuu: I noticed that you're very friendly and honest when speaking with Princess.
  • Thumbelina: You know, as much as I'd like to disagree... you're right. It's strange. It's like I can talk to her without worrying about the things happening around me. Maybe it's because she's kind and honest, unlike a certain someone I know... I guess she just brings out the honesty in me.
  • Otsuu: I agree with you. Princess is kind and has a very pure and honest heart.
  • Little Mermaid: Oh, um... Would you two mind? You're embarrassing me...
  • Otsuu: Wait... Did you just say that I'm not kind or honest?
  • Thumbelina: Well, it's not like you're honest all the time, you know?
  • Otsuu: Urgh... Well, you're in the same boat. You keep saying things contrary to what you feel. I believe there's an old word that describes someone like you. "Tsundere," was it?
  • Thumbelina: I-It's because I still don't trust you, you hear?!
  • Otsuu: Hahaha! See? Exactly what I said.
  • Thumbelina: W-Why you...!
  • Little Mermaid: You can read them like a book. In that sense, I guess they're being honest about themselves.

Event 8 - Blood Maidens 2[]


  • Otsuu: (Hm...? Thumbelina and Alice together? Well, that's unusual.)

(Shift to Thumbelina and Alice)

  • Thumbelina: Are you getting used to being here?
  • Alice: Yes, sort of... I can't say I'm all that comfortable yet.
  • Thumbelina: Really? What's on your mind? It looks like something is bothering you.
  • Alice: Well...

(Shift to Hameln and Rapunzel)

  • Hameln: Good! It looks like I'm first!
  • Rapunzel: Urrh! I was gonna beat you here!
  • Hameln: Hahahaha! I am the greatest!

(Shift to Thumbelina and Alice)

  • Thumbelina: What perfect timing.
  • Alice: What...?
  • Thumbelina: Hameln! Rappy! Can you come here for a moment?

(Enter Hameln and Rapunzel)

  • Hameln: Hm? What is it?
  • Rapunzel: Thumby! Alice! Everything okay?
  • Thumbelina: Yes, we're okay. You know, Alice said she wants to join you girls.
  • Alice: Huh?!
  • Thumbelina: Stop with the stern look on your face, and just jump in.
  • Hameln: I don't know what's going on here, but if you want to play with us you're free to join!
  • Rapunzel: Yaaay! Thumby and Alice no play often. Can't wait!
  • Thumbelina: Look at the smile on their faces. Are you telling me you're going to refuse?
  • Alice: Unbelievable... I can't believe you set me up like this.
  • Thumbelina: Then it's settled!
  • Hameln: Hm, let's play a game of tag!
  • Rapunzel: Oooh! Let's play! Alice and Thumby are it!

(Exit Hameln and Rapunzel)

  • Alice: I can't believe you dragged me into this...
  • Thumbelina: C'mon, let's go and get them! If we're gonna play, we're gonna play to win!
  • Alice: Fine...

(Shift to Otsuu)

  • Otsuu: (Thumbelina really looks out for others. I guess I can leave them alone.)

Event 9 - Sexy[]


  • Otsuu: (The Thumbelina sisters...?) Hey there, Thumbelina. Having a friendly bath?
Sisters Converge
  • Thumbelina: Oh, Otsuu...
  • Otsuu: Huh? What's the matter?
  • Thumbelina: Nothing. We were just taking a bath together as sisters to strengthen our bond. I'm enjoying my time with them, washing their backs and things...
  • Otsuu: Uh, you don't seem like you're enjoying yourself.
  • Thumbelina: Mind your own business. It's just something I need to get over...
  • Otsuu: (Mmm... I have no idea what she's trying to say.)
  • Thumbelina: I should enjoy seeing them mature... Maturing is a good thing...
  • Otsuu: Mature...? Oh, I see.
  • Thumbelina: Hey, you're comparing my chest with Sleepy's, aren't you?
  • Otsuu: Um... Sorry...
  • Thumbelina: Don't apologize... You're making me feel worse...
  • Otsuu: Um, but you don't need to worry. Each person has their own traits, isn't that right, Snow White?
  • Snow White: P-Please! Don't stare at me!
  • Otsuu: Huh?!
  • Snow White: I don't want you to look at Snow White's stocky body!
  • Otsuu: Uh, I don't think you're stocky.
  • Snow White: You're lying! Sister Thumbelina is slender, and Sleepy's has an hourglass figure. Me...? I'm just a lump of meat!
  • Otsuu: L-Lump of meat?
  • Snow White: I-I need to lose weight... I need to get slim... I'll do it starting tomorrow...
  • Otsuu: (They can't even take a bath without a commotion, can they?)
  • Thumbelina: You don't need to lose weight. Your body is proof that you're healthy. Yes... I'm very happy to see you two mature so well...
  • Snow White: Sister Thumbelina...!
  • Thumbelina: I should've noticed how you two grew both in body and soul. I've been too protective of you... Heh... If anyone needs protection, it's me. I haven't grown a bit...
  • Snow White: S-Sister Thumbelina! Please get a hold of yourself! You're our dear sister! We're very proud of you!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...! Yup...!
  • Thumbelina: Snow White... Sleepy...
  • Sleeping Beauty: We love you... sister Thumbelina...
  • Snow White: Snow White loves you, too!
  • Thumbelina: Really...? I love you two, too. If not, I wouldn't be so protective of you!
  • Snow White: Sister Thumbelina!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Always... be together...!
  • Thumbelina: Urgh...! C-Can't breathe...!
  • Snow White: No! We won't let you go!
  • Sleeping Beauty: We'll always... be with you... Won't ever... let you go...!
  • Thumbelina: Mrgh! Nngh! Nnnngh!
  • Snow White: Sister Thumbelina!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...!
  • Otsuu: H-Hey! Stop it! You're suffocating Thumbelina!

Event 10 - Memoire[]


  • Nightmare Jack: Odzuu... Lh...ukk...
  • Otsuu: Hm? Ah, the Thumbelina sisters... I wonder what they're doing.

(Shift to Thumbelina, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty)

  • Thumbelina: Everyone's here... It's time we get our summit meeting started.
  • Snow White: Understood!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...
  • Thumbelina: We're here to discuss this... The three-pronged earphone...
  • Snow White: The issue is what we'll use it for, right?
  • Sleeping Beauty: Music...?
  • Thumbelina: Yes, it's used to listen to music, but we don't have any device to play music. But stowing away for safekeeping doesn't do us good, so we need to think of a way to use it.
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Us Big Three... can come up... with a good idea...
  • Thumbelina: Color me impressed. I didn't know you knew such a word.
  • Snow White: Sleepy is right. Us Big Three can come up with something for sure! That said, Snow White actually has an idea...
  • Sleeping Beauty: Ooh...
  • Thumbelina: What is it?
  • Snow White: The earphone has six speakers and cords, right? We first weave them together, like so...
  • Thumbelina: Weave? That's pretty difficult...
  • Snow White: And... voila! The cords form a basket-like part that you cover your eyes with. The play is used to secure the earphones to the head... and done! A sleep mask!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Ooh...
  • Thumbelina: I-I see... It's going to take a bit of getting used to, but it isn't bad at all. But, does that have to be something made from the earphones?
  • Sleeping Beauty: Can use... when sleepy...?
  • Snow White: The cord is tough, so I guess it won't work well with sleeping. How about using it awake? Like, when you're scared of mirrors! You can wave mirrors goodbye with it!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Ooh...
  • Thumbelina: N-Now hold on there. It's dangerous covering your eyes with it while walking.
  • Snow White: Oh... You're right... I'm so sorry. I thought it would work.
  • Thumbelina: You did get the brainstorm going so good job with that. I can't be picking on ideas like this. I have to come up with something, too. You know, Snow White had the right idea, but how about using the earphones as an ornament?
  • Sleeping Beauty: Hm...?
  • Thumbelina: Like, you tie this, like... so. Then you do... this... Ta-da! How's this? A specially crafted choker!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Ooh...
  • Snow White: It's innovative, and fashionable!
  • Thumbelina: Heh heh, not bad, is it? Now, all you need to do is tie it behind your neck like... Hm...? It's a bit tight... Get on me...! There...!

(Thumbelina's eyes become pink)

  • Thumbelina: Urgh...! Th-This isn't good...! Neck... strangled...! A-Air...!
  • Snow White: Oh no! Sister Thumbelina!

(Thumbelina goes back to normal)

  • Thumbelina: Huff... Huff... That was close... Guess you shouldn't wrap cords around your neck. Too dangerous.
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Dangerous...
  • Snow White: Well, what else can we use there for then?
  • Sleeping Beauty: Ears...
  • Thumbelina: Ears? You mean, put them on our ears?
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...
  • Snow White: Um, we can't use it to listen to music, so you mean use it as an accessory?
  • Sleeping Beauty: Nope...
  • Thumbelina: Um, you're not going to be able to hear anything with it on. It's be no different than any earplug.
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...
  • Snow White: Oh, I see. We can wear it to shut out the sound around us when we sleep.
  • Thumbelina: Good idea, Sleepy. We'll just use it as an earplug instead, so that we can sleep better!
  • Snow White: So, not being able to listen with it was a feature in itself! Great find, Sleepy!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...
  • Thumbelina: Well then, let's see how this works! Uh... You know, this thing doesn't really work too well as an earplug...
  • Snow White: Y-You're right... I can hear some noise even with it on...
  • Thumbelina: The other problem is that we'd have to sleep together and share this thing...
  • Snow White: We'd have to stay completely still to be able to use it properly, too...
  • Sleeping Beauty: Zzz... Zzz... Zzz...
  • Thumbelina: She's already sound asleep... Well, a valiant attempt to use it, but I guess we'll have to find some other use.
  • Snow White: I guess earphones were meant to be used for music and nothing else...
  • Sleeping Beauty: Mmm...
  • Thumbelina: Oh, you're awake.
  • Sleeping Beauty: Hm...?
  • Thumbelina: I guess we'll have to think a bit more on how to use this earphone.
  • Snow White: If only we had a music player. It would've been nice, especially since we could listen together.
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup... Some day...
  • Thumbelina: Yes, I'm sure the day will come when we can enjoy some good music. And when that day comes, we're going to use this together, and that's a promise.
  • Snow White: Yes, absolutely!
  • Sleeping Beauty: Yup...

(Shift to Otsuu and Nightmare Jack)

  • Otsuu: They're getting along well.
  • Nightmare Jack: Ggh... Gghoo...dd...
  • Otsuu: It's a good thing they're enjoying their time with it. I guess it was meant for them to have.