Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki
Ms tower base thumbnail

Banner of the Tower Base

The Tower Base (監獄塔・下層, Kangokutō Kasō) is a dungeon found in Mary Skelter: Nightmares and Mary Skelter 2. It is the dungeon for Chapter 8 in Nightmares and Chapter 11 in the second game. There are two ways to enter it: the City Streets (this entrance is destroyed in Mary Skelter 2) and the Graveyard. It leads to the Upper Tower after a certain number of floors.

You can enter it after beating the Graveyard area, however this is not recommended beyond getting certain chests (such as the one at F1 X:009 Y:013) and trading with the Merchant, as the enemies here are way too strong for your current level and they give very low exp (until you reach a couple floors higher).

Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]


The Tower Base is very industrial, with pipes, tubes, neon signs, and garbage bags strewn about. The walls are a patchwork of gray and brown, with brown tile floors. The doors are barred, giving a cage-like feeling. Throughout the dungeon are what appears to be the top of green spines, slightly moving and shaking, with a few vines sprouting near them. The music has an electronic undertone to in, feeding into the industrial feel of the dungeon. The piano and violin that play the melody perpetuate the urgency of the setting and the group as they ascend, with the choral elements giving the impression of ascending something forbidden or holy. The track is number 10 in the music gallery and is named "Drive of Speeding."

Enemies (List Shared With Upper Tower)[]



Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 3


Floor 4

Floor 5

Maps (Remake Version)[]

Maps (Original Version)[]

Mary Skelter 2[]


The Tower Base is highly industrial, with patchwork concrete walls or sheet metal, neon signs, garbage bags, pipes, and tubes throughout. The floor is either brown tiles of the blue material that finds itself on the walls or laying on the pipes. The doors are garage-like. The walls are home to cage-like bars and eyes. The moving green spines with the vines are found here as well. The violin and choral portion act as the melody of the piece, playing into the gravitas of the location, with the electronic beat feeding into the industrial locale. The track is number 12 in the music gallery and is named "Tower in the Mist."



Area 1[]


Area 2[]

Area 3[]

Area 4[]

Area 5[]

Area 6[]


Core Maquia Z

Tower Base Nightmare


Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 3

Floor 4


Floor 5

Floor 6


See also[]
