Mary Skelter: Nightmares Wiki
Ms waterside thumbnail

Banner of the Waterside

Waterside (旧河川・沼, Kyū Kasen-Numa) is a dungeon that appears in both Mary Skelter: Nightmares and Mary Skelter 2. It is the dungeon for Chapter 5 or 6 depending on your choice in Nightmares and Chapter 4 in the second game. The Blood Maiden Rapunzel can be found here in both games.

Mary Skelter: Nightmares[]


The Waterside appears to be a flooded area with many tracks, suggesting it was an amusement park or old-fashioned train station. Its color scheme features purple and deep blues. There are a few switches that require Sleeping Beauty's Blood Ability, Rose Arrows, to open. There are also breakable walls that require Snow White's poison bombs and some sections of broken tracks that either require Cinderella's or Gretel's abilities. The layout of the dungeon features long corridors with few big rooms, often giving little room for error when being chased by a Nightmare.





Crucimela does appear here, through the note next to the Heart Slate door, however it does not appear in the creature manual.

Maps (Remake Version)[]

Maps (Original Version)[]

Mary Skelter 2[]


The dungeon appears to be a flooded amusement park, as shown from the area map and from the many tracks and carts. The colors green and blue and prevalent throughout. There are many areas cannot be traversed without Gretel's Blood Ability, Bread Portal, and Little Mermaid's Blood Ability, Frozen Tear. The dungeon is made up of many long corridors with tracks or pits interconnecting them, with very few large rooms to speak of.




Floor 1[]

Floor 2[]

Floor 3[]


Floor 4[]

Floor 5[]


See also[]
